Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29th, 2024 - Einstein's Junior Decadence... Yeah, That's The Stuff


Good evening and happy Saturday rockers, rollers, and craft brew freaks!  The Meista here tonight rocking the hell out with a pairing of "That's The Stuff", the wonderful sophomore album by American hard rocking metallers Autograph and a tasty Einstein's Junior Decadence from Equilibrium Brewing Company!  Hell yeah!  

Album Info:
  • Artist: Autograph
  • Title: "That's The Stuff"
  • Recorded: 1985 at the Record Plant in Los Angeles, California
  • Release date: October 14th, 1985 (2nd studio album by Autograph)
  • Record company: RCA
  • Production: Eddie DeLena and Autograph
  • Album cover art: Hajime Sorayama
  • Personnel: Steven Isham (keyboards and backing vocals), Steve Lynch (lead guitar), Steve "Plunk" Plunkett (rhythm guitar and lead vocals), Randy Rand (bass and backing vocals), and Keni "Richetti" Richards (drums and noises)
  • Musical style: Heavy metal, glam metal, hard rock
  • Sound: Like their debut album, Autograph's "That's The Stuff" is filled with loads of killer hooks, riffs, and melodies, and is a solid, sleek rocker of an album!  They used a similar formula in writing the album as they did with the first album but made it a little bigger and a little bolder in the overall sound.
  • Major themes: Rock and roll, rebellion lust, love, loss, , power, etc
  • Tracks: 
  1. "That's The Stuff"
  2. "Take No Prisoners"
  3. "Blondes In Black Cars"
  4. "You'll Get Over It"
  5. "Crazy World"
  6. "Six String Fever" (red version); "We're An American Band" (Grand Funk cover) (blue version)
  7. "Changing Hands"
  8. "Hammerhead"
  9. "Built For Speed"
  10. "Paint This Town"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Equilibrium Brewing Company (Middletown, New York)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Einstein's Junior Decadence
  • Style: India Pale Ale (IPA)
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 6.5%
  • Ingredients: Citra hops with a "copious amounts of Florida navel orange zest, Madagascar vanilla, and marshmallow" 
  • Pour: The Einstein's Junior Decadence pours a very hazy, pale, golden yellow with a frothy, bright white, 1+ finger head with great sustain and lots of sudsy, sticky, and layered lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is characterized by citrusy sweetness along with punchy hops and sweet malts.  There are aromas of creamsicle, freshly sliced oranges, orange juice, orange marmalade, tangerine, vanilla bean, and soft caramel.
  • Taste: The taste of the Einstein's Junior Decadence follows the nose with lots of citrus, and sweet cream and malt flavors.  There are notes of creamsicle, tangerine, candied oranges, orange juice and zest, mango, a hint of pineapple, rich vanilla, milk sugar, marshmallows, and toffee notes.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is very crisp, refreshing, and juicy, yet smooth and creamy with a dry, slightly bitter finish.

Overall pairing: The Einstein's Junior Decadence is a wonderfully unique, juicy, creamy, and fruity, brew... perfect for the richly textured, upbeat, and well-crafted rockin' tunes of Autograph's sophomore album "That's The Stuff"! 'Nuff said!

Make sure to check out my interview with legendary Autograph vocalist and guitarist Steve Plunkett here: 

Cheers!!  Rock on!!

Friday, June 28, 2024

June 28th, 2024 - The New Feels of the Dominatress


Hey there headbangers and hop freaks!  Happy Friday!  Your rockin' drinkin' buddy the Meista here today getting the weekend off to the right start with a pairing of a tasty and hoppy The New Feels from the fine folks at Offset Bier and Savage Grace's classic, kickass "The Dominatress + Demo 1982"!  Hell yeah!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Savage Grace
  • Title: "The Dominatress + Demo 1982"
  • Recorded: 1982 at Cereus Recording in Scottsdale, Arizona and 1983 at Track Record in Los Angeles, California
  • Release date: August 3rd, 1983 / re-release with demo February 2021 (1st studio EP released by Savage Grace) 
  • Record company: Metal Blade Records / Hooked on Metal Records
  • Production: Brian Slagel
  • Album cover art: Don Adkins (photography)
  • Personnel: Brian "Beast" East (bass), John Birk (lead vocals), Dan Finch (drums), Christian Logue (guitars), and Kenny Powell (guitars)
  • Musical style: Speed metal
  • Sound: With high-caliber musicianship, strong songwriting, and ambition, the sound on "The Dominatress + Demo 1982" is pure, high-adrenaline, classic speed metal the way it should be!  The tracks are fast, furious, and fiery with some really stellar guitar work and vocal acrobatics! 
  • Major themes: Freedom, anger, rebellion, rage, life, sex, deception, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Fight For Your Life"
  2. "Curse The Night"
  3. "The Dominatress"
  4. "Live To Burn"
  5. "Too Young To Die"
  6. "Curse The Night" (1982 demo)
  7. "Genghis Khan" (1982 demo)
  8. "Sceptres of Deceit" (1982 demo)

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Offset Bier Company (Park City, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew: The New Feels
  • Style: New World Pils / Hoppy Pilsner
  • Serving: 12 ounce can
  • ABV: 5.0%
  • Ingredients: Pilsner malt, lager yeast, and Most, Callista, Anchovy, Superdelic, Luminosa, and Kohia Motueka hops
  • Pour: The New Feels pours a clear, bright yellow hue with a thin, bright white head with good retention and sudsy lacing. 
  • Nose: The nose is fruity, floral, grassy, and grainy.  There are aromas of mango, kiwi, lemon juice and zest, lime, freshly picked raspberries and strawberries, summer grass, wildflowers, hay, crackery biscuit, and light caramel.
  • Taste: The taste is like the nose: tropical, crackery, grainy, grassy, and slightly hoppy.  There are notes of kiwi, mango, berry, lemon zest, lime, lemongrass, floral hops, crackery biscuit, minerals, and very light caramel.
  • Mouthfeel: Light-bodied with good carbonation, the mouthfeel of The New Feels is very crisp, refreshing, and dry, yet smooth with a clean, slightly bitter finish.

Overall pairing: The New Feels from Offset Bier is a very tasty, hoppy, and crushable brew... perfect for banging your head and pumping your fists to the hard-rockin' punch of Savage Grace's killer "The Dominatress + Demo 1982"!  'Nuff said!

Raise those horns!!  Cheers rockers!!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 27th, 2024 - "Kingdom of Fire": An Interview with Lee Harrison of Monstrosity


Hey there evil-doers, thrashers, headbangers, and metal maniacs!  Your heavy metal beer drinking buddy the Meista here today with another great interview for you!  This one is with the very talented and friendly Lee Harrison, multi-instrumental artists of Monstrosity, Lavoizen, and Terrorizer fame!  We chatted about the history of Monstrosity, upcoming shows, Lee's solo project Lavoizen, his past work with such bands as Atheist, Malevolent Creation, Terrorizer, etc., his rich history as a musician, and much more!  Here's a link to that video interview


Check out all things Lee Harrison here: 
Check out Monstrosity here:
And check out Lavoizen here: 


*Photo of Lee by Alberto Mira Mora Fotógrafo
**Special thanks to John Thomas for setting up this interview, to Jamie Winters for designing the Brews and Tunes logoJerry Howard for creating the Brews and Tunes intro video and to DiseNgaged for the use of their song "The Real Me" (copyright 2020)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26th, 2024 - Skyward... Above the Clouds


Hey there headbangers and hop freaks!  Happy Wednesday!  Your drinking buddy the Meista here with another killer pairing for ya!  Today, I'm pairing "Skyward", the kickass, brand new, sophomore album by progressive / power metal band Severed Angel with a delicious and bold Above The Clouds Double IPA from Red Rock Brewery!  Hell yeah!

Album Info:

  • Artist: Severed Angel
  • Title: "Skyward"
  • Recorded: 2023 in New York and Pennsylvania
  • Release date: May 3rd, 2024 (2nd full-length studio album by Severed Angel)
  • Record company: Independent
  • Production: Alex Repetti and Severed Angel
  • Album cover art: Aleh Zielankievič 
  • Personnel: George Dimitri (bass), Lou Mavs (lead and rhythm guitars, and vocals), Marc Muchnik (keyboards), Wayne Noon (drums), and Alex Repetti (rhythm and lead guitars, and lead vocals)
  • Guest musician: Gail Bourque (vocals on "Citipati")
  • Musical style: Heavy metal with elements of progressive metal, symphonic metal, and hard rock
  • Sound: Blending power metal and traditional metal elements with progressive metal and rock, the sound on the album is aggressive, fast-paced, and complex, yet very melodic and emotive.  There are wonderfully epic and bombastic tracks along with straight-forward rockers.  
  • Major themes: Introspection, knowledge, life, death, imagination, sorrow, hope, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "From The Inside"
  2. "Live Your Imagination"
  3. "A Perfect Disaster"
  4. "Skyward"
  5. "Life Is Here And Now"
  6. "Move Through The Dark"
  7. "Tyrant On The Throne"
  8. "Never Look Back"
  9. "Tranquility In Conflict"
  10. "Citipati"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: Red Rock Brewery (Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Above The Clouds Double IPA
  • Style: Double India Pale Ale (DIPA) / Imperial IPA (IIPA)
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 8.4%
  • Pour: The Above The Clouds pours a fairly clear, golden yellow hue with a very thin, bright white head that dissipates fairly quickly, leaving light lacing.
  • Nose: The nose really grabs you with a blend of citrus and floral and pine notes.  There are aromas of grapefruit rind, orange zest, tangerine, mango, pineapple, pine resin, barley, cracked wheat, and soft caramel.
  • Taste: Those same citrus notes in the nose are what really grab you with its flavor.  Notes of bitter grapefruit, orange peel, tangerine, pine, and softer, more subtle sweet malts intertwine for a well-balanced and flavorful brew. 
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied with good carbonation, the mouthfeel is crisp, yet very smooth with a dry, somewhat bittersweet finish.

Overall pairing: The Red Rock Above The Clouds Double IPA is a bold, complex, and hoppy, yet very inviting brew... a great brew for the progressive, intricate, and heavy stylings of Severed Angel on their excellent "Skyward" album!  'Nuff said!

Make sure to check out my interview with Severed Angel here:

Cheers and hails!!

Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24th, 2024 - "Six String Hero": An Interview with Legendary Musician Steve Plunkett


Hey there rockers, rollers, and heavy metal maniacs!  Your heavy metal beer drinking buddy the Meista here with another great interview for you!  This one is with the very friendly and insanely talented Mr. Steve Plunkett, legendary guitarist and lead vocalist of Autograph!  We chatted about his new solo album "Straight Up", the history and legacy of Autograph, Steve's work with multiple musicians, his work in television and film over the years, his work with Meteor 17 and Yahoo! Music, his music publishing company Plunksongs, his rich history as musician in general, and much more!  Here's a link to that video interview


Check out Steve's new album, "Straight Up" here: 

Check out Autograph here:

Cheers!!  Rock on!!

*Special thanks to Billy James from Glass Onyon PR for setting up this interview, to Jamie Winters for designing the Brews and Tunes logoJerry Howard for creating the Brews and Tunes intro video and to DiseNgaged for the use of their song "The Real Me" (copyright 2020)

Saturday, June 22, 2024

June 22nd, 2024 - Dark For Life Under a Luna Negra


Hey there rockers, rollers, headbangers, and artisan beer lovers!  Your rockin' drinkin' buddy the Meista here today pairing a tasty Luna Negra Mexican-Style Dark Lager from the fine folks at Proper Brewing Company and "Dark For Life", the killer album by Timeless Haunt!  Hell yeah!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Timeless Haunt
  • Title: "Dark For Life"
  • Recorded: 2020 through early 2021 at JL Studios
  • Release date: March 5th, 2021 (1st full-length studio album by Timeless Haunt)
  • Record company: Stormspell Records 
  • Production: Timeless Haunt and Joe Loftus
  • Album cover art: Felipe Machado Franco
  • Personnel: George Dimitri (bass, keyboards, and backing vocals), Tommy Eye (guitars), Don Fortune (keyboards), John Jesuele (drums and percussion), and Joe Wood aka the Unknown Vocalist (lead vocals)
  • Additional musician: Symphonic Haunted Choir (backing choir vocals)
  • Musical style: Heavy metal, progressive metal with elements of doom and gothic metal
  • Sound: Heavy-hitting, bombastic, and dark, the tracks on "Dark For Life" are a wonderful blend of more traditional heavy metal with progressive elements.
  • Major themes: Darkness, horror, evil, vengeance, sorrow, desire, self-preservation, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Geisterton (Ghost)"
  2. "Embrace The Haunt"
  3. "Dark For Life"
  4. "Sinful Girl"
  5. "Pain"
  6. "526"
  7. "Not For Me"
  8. "Wicked Game" (Chris Isaak cover)
  9. "Night Crawler" (Judas Priest cover)

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Proper Brewing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Website: 
  • Brew: Luna Negra Mexican-Style Dark Lager 
  • Style: Mexican Dark Lager
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 5.0%
  • IBUs: 15
  • Pour: The Luna Negra pours a fairly clear, deep, dark brown color with a very thin and bubbly, off-white head that dissipates to the thin ring with little lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is malty, grainy, and slightly fruity.  There are aromas of caramel/toffee, corn chips, doughy bread, light grassy hops, cracked wheat, and light honey.
  • Taste: The taste is malty, grainy, and slightly sweet.  There are notes of crackery biscuit, bready malt, light corn, lemon zest, cola, and sweet caramel/toffee.
  • Mouthfeel: Light to medium-bodied and well-carbonation, the mouthfeel of the Luna Negra is very crisp and very smooth with a clean finish.

Overall pairing: The Proper Luna Negra Mexican-Style Dark Lager is a very tasty, easy-drinking, crushable brew... perfect for banging your head to the progressive, yet hard-rockin' metal punch of Timeless Haunt's "Dark For Life"!  'Nuff said!

Cheers and hails!!

Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21st, 2024 - Why So Serious? Give Us a Wink!


Hey there rockers, rollers, ravers, and hop freaks!  Happy Friday!  Your drinking pal the Meista here pairing "Give Us A Wink", the kick-ass album by Sweet and a punchy and bold Why So Serious? Triple IPA from Red Rock Brewery!  Hells yeah!

Album Info:

  • Artist: Sweet
  • Title: "Give Us A Wink"
  • Recorded: 1975 at Musicland Studios in Munich, Germany
  • Release date: February 16th, 1976 (4th studio album by Sweet)
  • Record company: RCA / Capitol Records / EMI
  • Production: Sweet
  • Album cover art: Joe Petagno
  • Personnel: Brian Connolly (lead vocals and string machine), Steve Priest (bass, celli, and vocals), Andy Scott (guitars, celli, synthesizers, backing vocals, and voice bag), and Mick Tucker (drums, percussion, celli, phased gong, and backing vocals)
  • Guest musician: Trevor Griffin (piano on "Healer")
  • Musical style: Glam rock, hard rock, proto metal
  • Sound: Continuing a harder, heavier approach as found on "Desolation Boulevard", with "Give Us A Wink", Sweet further solidified their mid-70s dominance of English glam rock.  
  • Major themes: Rock and roll, rebellion, women, sex, desire, life, escape, deception, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Action"
  2. "Yesterday's Rain"
  3. "White Mice"
  4. "Healer"
  5. "Fox On The Run"
  6. "The Lies In Your Eyes"
  7. "Cockroach"
  8. "Lady Starlight"
  9. "Keep It In"
  10. "4th Of July"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: Red Rock Brewing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Why So Serious? Triple IPA 
  • Style: Triple India Pale Ale (TIPA)
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 10.0%
  • IBUs: 65
  • Pour: The Why So Serious? Triple IPA pours a very hazy, rather pale golden-yellow with a 2+ finger, creamy and billow, eggshell white head with great retention and lots of sticky, layered lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is characterized by aromas of tropical and citrus fruits, pine, herbal zest, and malts.  There are notes of grapefruit rind, orange and tangerine zest, mango, herbal tea, pine resin, and sweet caramel/toffee.
  • Taste: The Why So Serious? Triple IPA is full of bold, hoppy, and flavors.  There are notes of grapefruit juice, tangerine, orange peel, mango, papaya, berries, light pine, black tea, and burnt toffee.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is crisp, yet smooth, thick, and somewhat creamy with a dry, bittersweet finish.

Overall pairing:  The punchy, fruity, and refreshing flavors of the Why So Serious? Triple IPA from Red Rock Brewing Company is an excellent beer to throw back with the rock and roll punch of Sweet's killer "Give Us A Wink" album!  'Nuff said!

Cheers!!  Rock on ravers!!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 20th, 2024 - If I Were a Carpenter and You Were a Walrus


Good afternoon rockers, rollers, and hop lovers!  The Meista here today pairing a delicious and bold The Walrus Hazy IPA from Roadhouse Brewing Company with Robert Plant's wonderful 6th solo album, "Fate Of Nations"!  Yes!

Album Info:

  • Artist: Robert Plant
  • Title: "Fate Of Nations"
  • Recorded: 1992 through 1993 at R A K Studios, Sawmills Studio Cornwall, and Monmow Valley Studio
  • Release date: May 25th, 1993 (6th solo studio album by Robert Plant)
  • Record company: Es Paranza
  • Production: Chris Hughes and Robert Plant
  • Album cover art: 
  • Personnel: Robert Plant (lead and backing vocals and guitar on "Promised Land") with Maartin Allcock (mandolin on "If I Were a Carpenter" and all instruments except drums on "Colours of a Shade"), Phillip Andrews (keyboards on "Memory Song (Hello Hello)"), Chris Blackwell (drums on "Promised Land"), Doug Boyle (guitar on "29 Palms" and "Network News"), Máire Brennan (backing vocals on "Come Into My Life"), Francis Dunnery (guitar on "Come into My Life" and "Promised Land"), Nigel Eaton (hurdy-gurdy on "Come Into My Life" and "I Believe"), John Flynn (backing vocals on "The Greatest Gift"), Steve French (backing vocals on "I Believe"), Chris Hughes (drums on "Down to the Sea", "Come Into My Life", "I Believe", "29 Palms", "If I Were a Carpenter", "Promised Land", "The Greatest Gift", and "Network News"), Phil Johnstone (harmonium on "Come Into My Life", piano on "I Believe", "29 Palms", "Memory Song (Hello Hello)", and "If I Were a Carpenter", organ on "Promised Land", electric piano on "The Greatest Gift" and "Great Spirit", backing vocals on "Great Spirit", and electric orchestra on "Network News"), Charlie Jones (bass on all songs and all instruments except guitar and drums on "Down to the Sea"), Nigel Kennedy (violin on "Calling to You"), Navazish Ali Khan (violin on "Network News"), Michael Lee (drums on "Memory Song (Hello Hello)" and "Network News"), Kevin Scott MacMichael (guitar on all songs and backing vocals on "I Believe"), Lynton Naiff  (string arrangement on "If I Were a Carpenter" and "The Greatest Gift"), Gurdev Singh (dilruba and sarod on "Network News"), Surge Singh (sarangi on "Network News"), Julian Taylor (backing vocals on "I Believe"), Pete Thompson (drums on "Calling to You", "Come Into My Life", "The Greatest Gift", and "Great Spirit"), Richard Thompson (guitar on "Come Into My Life"), and Oliver J. Woods (guitar on "Down to the Sea" and "Memory Song (Hello Hello)")
  • Musical style: Hard rock, rock, blues rock, alternative rock, folk rock with Eastern influence
  • Sound: Wonderfully textured, "Fate Of Nations" is probably Plant's most heartfelt and personal albums... at least from the earlier solo albums.  It is folksy, layered, soulful, melodic, and wonderfully executed!  
  • Major themes: Life, the death of his son, love, spirituality, the media, equality, etc.  Of the album, Plant described it as: "From the very beginning of this project, around January 1991, right after the Manic Nirvana tour, I knew what I was going to do: go back into my past, listening to [Moby] Grape, the [Jefferson] Airplane, Tim Hardin, Quicksilver, Traffic, and other turning-point artists in rock. These people were trying to tell the listener something, joining various traditions, with the sense of a quest being insinuated and bandied in their acoustic and electronic themes. I'm also proud of what I've attempted to do lyrically, trying to tell vivid tales that come from a hearty tradition of prose."
  • Tracks: 

  1. "Calling To You"
  2. "Down To The Sea"
  3. "Come Into My Life"
  4. "I Believe"
  5. "29 Palms"
  6. "Memory Song (Hello Hello)"
  7. "If I Were A Carpenter"
  8. "Promised Land"
  9. "The Greatest Gift"
  10. "Great Spirit"
  11. "Network News"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: Roadhouse Brewing Company (Jackson Hole, Wyoming)
  • Website:
  • Brew: The Walrus Hazy IPA
  • Style: Hazy Imperial India Pale Ale (IIPA) / Hazy Double IPA (DIPA)
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 8.3%
  • Ingredients: IIPA brewed with peaches and tangerines
  • Pour: The Walrus pours a bright, hazy golden-yellow with a foamy 1-finger, bright white head with good retention and lots of sticky, intricate lacing
  • Nose: The nose is fruity (citrus, stone, and tropical), yet dank with more subtle malt sweetness.  There are aromas of grapefruit rind, tangerine, peach, mango, pineapple, honeydew melon, very light onion, black tea, and soft caramel.
  • Taste: The taste of The Walrus is characterized by tropical fruit, citrus, stone fruit, and malty flavors.  There are notes of pineapple, tangerine, peach, pink grapefruit, mango, herbal tea, light pepper, and light toffee/caramel. 
  • Mouthfeel: Full to medium in body with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel of The Walrus is very crisp and juicy, yet somewhat thick and sticky with a dry, slightly bitter finish.

Overall pairing: The Walrus Hazy IPA from the fine folks at other Roadhouse Brewing Company is a delightfully tasty, complex, and bold brew with loads of citrus and tropical notes... perfect for the brilliance of Robert Plant's "Fate Of Nations" album!  I only wish I had been throwing back a Walrus way back on October 1st, 1993 when I was in attendance of the Robert Plant Fate Of The Nation tour!  :)

Cheers!!  Rock on!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18th, 2024 - "Hail to the Warriors": An Interview with Riot V Vocalist Todd Michael Hall


Hey there heavy metal maniacs!  Your metal beer drinking buddy the Meista here with another great interview for you!  This one is with the very friendly and very talented Todd Michael Hall, vocalist of the legendary Riot V!  We chatted about the latest Riot V album "Mean Streets", touring, recent and future showsTodd's work with Harlet, Jack Starr's Burning Starr, and Reverence, his solo work, his rich history as musician in general, and much more!  Here's a link to that video interview


Check out Riot V here:
Cheers and hails!!

*Photo of Todd by Siegfried Hahn
**Special thanks to Jamie Winters for designing the Brews and Tunes logoJerry Howard for creating the Brews and Tunes intro video and to DiseNgaged for the use of their song "The Real Me" (copyright 2020)