Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6th, 2012 - Baba for the Master

I'm dedicating this one to my beautiful friends, Chad and Stephanie!  And to Cody D.!

Well, it is Good Friday.  At the risk of offending the religious, I thought I'd go with a bit of a metal/Passover theme... darkness, blood, and sacrifice.  So tonight I am pairing Uinta's Baba Black Lager (which I've been drinking all day at the brewery!) and Goatwhore's "Blood for the Master."

If you plan on doing any "sacraficing" in the near furture, may I suggest going with the sheep that is Uinta's Baba Black Lager.  Baba is a black lager in the tradition of the European blacks.  It pours a rich, very dark, opaque black with a thick 1-2 finger head.  The nose is earthy, fragrant, and somewhat smoky.  Very drinkable, Baba is high in carbonation with a flavor is that reminsisent of an almost mellow porter - rich, a bit chocolaty, and malty.   This is one well-ballanced dark brew!  It has a great flavor, goes down smooth, and has a perfect intensity. Baba is very much becoming my favorite staple - on-the-spot beer! 

Equally as black and with great flavor, death metal outfit, Goatwhore's latest album "Blood for the Master" is a masterpiece of heaviness, depth, and rich blackness.  From opening track "Collapse in Eternal Worth" to the head-banging "In Deathless Tradition" on to the all too intense finale of "My Name is Frightful Among the Believers", Goathwhore delivers an onslaught of death metal perfection.  In the tradition of Morbid Angel, Goatwhore brings an intensity and richness that lacks in most modern metal. Combining heavy power chords, angry and dark lyrics, and high-octane rhythms, Goathwhore demands attention - like a good black lager! 

Check out Baba Black Lager and all of Uinta's fantastic beers at and make sure you pick up Goatwhore's "Blood for the Master" at the Heavy Metal Shop:!

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