Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31st, 2013 - "Me & Judas Got The Shit End Of The Deal..." or They Don't Make Men Like Michael Dean Damron Anymore

Good evening... the Meista here and... well, unfortunately this next pairing isn't completely honest... or rather, it is based on me misspeaking, and doing so to a hero of mine.  Not good!  I'm pairing the new album, "Mayberry" by I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House with a Gordon Biersch Czech Style Pilsner.  I went and saw Michael Dean Damron, the lead singer of the band last night at the Heavy Metal Shop ( here in Utah.  I told Mr. Damron that I would be pairing this album soon and he requested that I do so with a Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR).  Unfortunately, I do not have any PBR currently in the old beerigerator, but I do have a Gordon Biersch Czech Style Pilsner.  So feel free pop open a fresh PBR, and focus on the "Mayberry" album!  Regardless of what you decide should be paired with this wonderful album, this pairing goes out to Michael Dean Damron and Kevin Kirk!!  Cheers buddies!!  Long life to you both!!

Now let's talk about this amazing album!  Quite possibly the most sincere, genuine, and passionate musician I've ever met, Michael Dean Damron heads up the band, I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House.  The band is made up of Damron (vocals, electric and acoustic guitars), Jon Burbank (electric and acoustic guitars, vocals), Mole Harris (bass, acoustic guitars, vocals), Flapjack Texas (drums, percussion, vocals), and the amazing David Lipkind (harmonica, vocals).  The album opens with the title track, "Mayberry," a beautifully haunting song about lost childhood and escapism.   "Liars" comes up next, which may be my favorite track on the album, which is a biting and fast-paced song about deception.   There are rockin' songs on this album (like "Break All Your Strings," "I Give Up (The Puppy Song)," "From Bad To Worse," "It Don't Get Much Better Than This," and "My Guitar") and slower, beautifully heavy songs (like "Galaxies Collide," "Bones," "When The Sleep Don't Come," and "King James.")  Lyrically this album is breathtaking.  I'm continually amazed at Damron's songwriting skills.  I can honestly say that I get the chills every time I hear him sing... especially live!  The musicianship is just completely outstanding as well... honest, real, and straightforward... what music is supposed to be!  Damn this is great stuff!!  You really need to own this album!!

(You can pretend I'm talking PBR at this point if you would like.)  The Gordon Biersch Czech Style Pilsner is brewed in the classic style as it first was in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia in 1842.  It pours slightly cloudy gold with a bright, white head.  The nose is like a burst of toasted bread aroma and some Noble hops floral notes.  Crisp and refreshing, and very drinkable, the mouthfeel is moderately carbonated and light in body (that's like PRB, right?)  :)  The flavor is bready and hoppy with a slight bitterness on the tail end.  There are notes of cracked wheat, fresh grass, and some slight caramel sweetness that is quickly overpowered by those Noble hops.  I chose this beer for the drinkability and pub style that goes down easy, but with a bitter bite... perfect for wonderfully rich, honest, and perfect lyrics of Damron and the great musicianship of I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House!  Those warm, bready flavors coupled by the bitter hops really accentuate the power of that harmonica and driving guitars, bass, and drums!

Michael Dean Damron is currently touring the U.S., promoting the new I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House album, "Mayberry."  Check Damron out at and I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House at, and make sure you catch one of his shows!!  At the very least, BUY THIS ALBUM!!  You can buy it from Kevin at the Heavy Metal Shop:!

Safe travels Mike!!  Rock on my friend!!  Prost!!

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