Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6th, 2013 - Defenders Of The Arrogant Bastard

Good evening!!  This pairing goes out to all you right bastards out there!  :)  Tonight I'm pairing an Arrogant Bastard Ale from Stone Brewing Company and Judas Priest's "Defenders Of The Faith"!

So I actually had the Arrogant Bastard Ale last night in Glen Ellen, California... so I'm doing this from memory:  Full-bodied and well-carbonated, this is a big, bold beer that demands your attention.  The Arrogant Bastard pours a wonderfully rich and dark copper with a dense tan head with very strong sustain and pronounced spider web lacing.  The nose is very hop forward, but not overpowering.  There are also earthy notes, pine notes, and sweet toffee.  More hoppy than malty, this American Strong Ale is of superior quality and delivery!  The flavor is complex, malty, hoppy, and brilliant throughout!  There are malty notes of baked bread, English biscuits, and roasted grains.  There are also sweet notes of dark fruit ester, citrus, caramel, and a hint of vanilla.  It finishes rather sweet as well, but only slightly.  This is one incredibly complex and meaty brew!  GREAT STUFF... one of the best beers out there and definitely a perfect example of this style!!

With a brew as bold as the Arrogant Bastard Ale, I needed an album that could compliment the richness and complexity... and the heaviness!!  Therefore, I give you "Defenders Of The Faith" by metal gods Judas Priest!!  Release on January 4th, 1984, "Defenders Of The Faith" is Judas Priest's 9th studio album.  A power metal album to the nth degree, on "Defenders..." Priest lays down heavy, aggressive, and melodic classic monster rockers!  Songs like opener "Freewheel Burning," "Jawbreaker," "Rock Hard Ride Free," "The Sentinel," "Eat Me Alive," "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll," and "Heavy Duty/Defenders Of The Faith" have inspired more personal head banging nights than I can count and have definitely influenced myriad rockers and wanna be rockers!  The dual guitar work of K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton is top-notch!  Just listen to that opening of "Freewheel Burning" and the solo work throughout the album!  Ian Hill and original drummer
Dave Holland lay down some heavy ass rhythm, the likes of which you rarely find!  And what can I say of Rob Halford's vocals on this album??  AWE INSPIRING!! 

"Rising from darkness where Hell hath no mercy and the screams for vengeance echo on forever. Only those who keep the faith shall escape the wrath of the Metallian... Master of all metal."  March on my metal brethren!!  And check out Arrogant Bastard Ale and all the other fantastic brews from Stone Brewing Company at!!

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