Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31st, 2014 - A Lawless Black Metal Lager... or... Let's Sacrifice A Baba To Watain!

Good evening!  The Meista here with a "dark" pairing tonight... Watain's "Lawless Darkness" and a Baba Black Lager from Uinta Brewing Company!  This one is for my head-bangin' buddy Jerm... cheers mister!!

"Lawless Darkness" is the 4th studio album from Swedish black metal band and so-called "theistic Satanists" (whatever) Watain and was released on June 7th, 2010.  Influenced by bands like Bathory, Celtic Frost, Emperor, Mayhem, Mercyful Fate, and Venom, Watain's style of black metal is wonderfully engaging and complex.  Unlike most black metal bands out there, Watain is far more musical, interesting, aggressive, and epic without sounding over-indulgent or silly (in my opinion).  Pelle Forsberg's guitar work is fast, furious, and very impressive.  Håkan Jonsson's explosive drum work is almost inhuman.  And Erik Danielsson's vocals drip with evil and work perfectly with the bombastic delivery of the music.  His bass work is excellent as well.  I think the Allmusic review of the album by writer Eduardo Rivadavia really sums it up: "[the album] is black metal through and through, and Watain even make a point of retaining some cardboard-sounding drumbeats in honor of lo-fi pioneers like Venom and Bathory, ferchrissakes! This is why purists looking for their fix need only look to the pulverizing fury unleashed by 'Death's Cold Dark', 'Total Funeral', and 'Kiss of Death', or the Emperor-worthy melodies swirling madly across 'Hymn to Qayin', or the majestic glacial desolation of 'Malfeitor' and the instrumental title track. Finally, there's the ultimate swan dive into the abyss that is the 15-minute-long, all-encompassing 'Waters of Ain', which feels like a mini-album unto itself, and casts a blinding spotlight upon the full scale of Watain's ["Lawless Darkness"], significant achievement for the advancement of black metal's cause." 

Black metal deserves a rich and flavorful black beer, don't ya think?  The Baba Black Lager from Uinta Brewing Company is a Schwarzbier that definitely fits that bill!  Here's a breakdown of the Baba Black Lager:
Pour/appearance - dark mahogany (almost black) with a frothy mocha head
Nose - dark chocolate, roasted barley, liquid smoke, bacon
Flavor - big roasted barley, roasted malts, and coffee bean notes, with a hint of cocoa,
Mouthfeel - medium bodied, medium carbonation, smooth, and some nice smokiness in the finish
Overall - brewed with a organic barley and hops, this is a wonderfully sessionable dark lager that works great with the black metal onslaught of Watain!!

Skål... Helan går... Hails!!!

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