Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2nd, 2014 - A Tap 6 Unser Aventinus Lodger

Hello my friends!  The Meista here with the final pairing of the Berlin Trilogy as requested by my brother, Dain.  Today I'm pairing David Bowie's "Lodger" and a Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus from Weisses Bräuhaus G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH!  Cheers Dain-o-mite!!

"Lodger" is the 13th studio album by David Bowie and was released on May 18th, 1979.  It is also the final collaboration between Bowie and producer/musician Brian Eno.  With the working titles of both "Planned Accidents" and "Despite Straight Lines", "Lodger" was recorded in various studios during the 1978 world tour and produced in Switzerland and New York.  Highly underrated and underappreciated, "Lodger" is a fantastic album and the best of the trilogy in my opinion.  It also includes one of my all-time favorite Bowie tracks, "Look Back In Anger".   Still very experimental in many ways, "Lodger" is a bit more accessible and radio friendly compared to the 2 previous albums of the so-called Berlin Trilogy.   The experimental musical approach on the album included the use of world music, using passages from previous released songs in Bowie's career played backwards, employing identical chord sequences for different songs, and asking the musicians in the band to play instruments they weren't accustomed to playing.  Lyrically, the album explored 2 major themes: travel (specifically in Africa and the Middle East) and criticisms of the West (particularly the nuclear arms race, gender roles, and abusive relationships).   With songs like "Fantastic Voyage", "Move On", "Red Sails", "Look Back In Anger", "Boys Keep Swinging", "Repetition", and "Red Money", Bowie further established himself as an ever-evolving musical genius.  Along with the amazing Bowie (lead vocals, piano, guitar, synthesizer, and Chamberlin), the brilliant musicians on the album included Carlos Alomar (guitar, drums), Adrian Belew (guitar, mandolin), Dennis Davis (drums, percussion, bass guitar), Brian Eno (synthesizer, ambient drone, piano, cricket menace, guitar treatments, horse trumpet, eroica horn, piano, backing vocals), Simon House (violin, mandolin), Sean Mayes (piano), George Murray (bass guitar),  Roger Powell (synthesizer), Stan (saxophone), and Tony Visconti (backing vocals, guitar mandolin, bass guitar).

The Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus from Weisses Bräuhaus G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH (Bavaria's oldest wheat brewery) is a Weizenbock, a bigger and bolder Dunkel Weizen.  Traditionally marked by a pronounced estery character along with bold and complex malt flavors, the Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus makes for a great bedfellow to "Lodger".  A world-class ale, the Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus pours a very cloudy, toffee-colored brown with a big, frothy, and off-white head that displays good retention with minimal retention.  The nose is characterized by fruit ester notes, Bavarian yeast, and soap.  There are aromas of banana, spiced apple, and biscuit.  Medium bodied, the mouthfeel is crisp and slightly sharp, but with a good measure of creaminess.  The flavor is an interesting blend of dark fruit, banana, and malts.  There are notes of plums, raisins, big banana and plantain notes, buttered wheat toast, very subtle caramel, and undertones of exotic spices like coriander, clove, and nutmeg.  The Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus goes down easy and finishes clean... and therein lies the "danger".  This puppy comes in at a very hidden 8.2% ABV that can sneak up on you, a characteristic I liken to Bowie... seemingly innocent, but incredibly deep, dark, and complex!

Prost!!  Hau' weg das Zeug!!

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