Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20th, 2014 - Good Brews From The Next World

Afternoon friends!  The Meista here changing gears a bit in terms of music.  Although I am definitely a head-banging rocker, I'm also a big fan of '80s power pop.  One of my all-time favorites is Scottish rock band Simple Minds.  Today I'm pairing their album "Good News From The Next World" with a Scotch Ale from Moab Brewery!  Oh, and this one goes out to my pal and fellow Simple Minds fan Deb over at Two Drunk Ladies... check out the page on facebook at!  Cheers Deb!!

Released on February 7th, 1995, "Good News From The Next World" is Simple Minds' 10th studio album.  Although not well received by critics, the album reached number 2 in the UK and produced two hits, "She's a River" and "Hypnotised".  Interestingly enough, Simple Minds was only a duo by this point in their career made up of founding members Jim Kerr (lead vocals) and Charlie Burchill (guitar, keyboards).  The studio and touring "band" was made up of hired guns.  Musically, the album is much more rock-oriented than the earlier, more "new wave", keyboard heavy albums of the band.  Tracks like the "She's a River", "Hypnotised", "Great Leap Forward", "7 Deadly Sins", "And The Band Played On", and "This Time" are guitar-driven, rock and roll power pop monsters!  Burchill's guitars are meaty and chunky (like a nice Scoth ale!) and Kerr's unique voice is as soulful and rich as ever!  If you dig power pop, make sure you check out this underappreciated gem!

The Scotch Ale from Moab Brewery is part of the brewery's Desert Select series of high-point ales.  According to their website, this traditional Scotch ale (or “Wee Heavy”) was brewed to "pay tribute to the hearty Scots" and their tradition of brewing equally hearty ales.  It is brewed with "Two Row barley and a portion of smoked malt, English hops, pure Moab water and Scottish yeast" and is then aged in French oak and bottle conditioned.  The Scotch Ale pours a deep ruby-brown in my skull mug with a big, frothy, mocha head  that leaves intricate doily-like lacing.  The nose is slightly smoky and very sweet.  There are big aromas of malt, molasses, raisin bread, and a hint of smoked barley.  Exceptionally smooth (like the tracks on "Good News From The Next World"), the mouthfeel is thick and sticky, but very drinkable.  The flavor is very malty and very sweet.  There are big notes of sweet caramel, plump raisin, roasted barley, freshly baked bread, and a hint of smoked oak and bourbon.  Learn more about the Scotch Ale and all the other great brews from Moab Brewery at!

Slainte Mhor!!

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