Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 24th, 2014 - Dial 801 For Socialists

Good afternoon!  The Meista here with another great artisan beer and rock pairing for you today.  I'm going with a very sexy 801...
No... um... sorry, not that one.  As I was saying, a very sexy 801 Small Batch Pilsner from Uinta Brewing Company from Salt Lake City, Utah... this one...
And seeing that 801 is the local area code here in Salt Lake, I'm going with a great local band... the latest self-titled album from underground punk/metal band the Socialists!
The 801 Small Batch Pilsner from Uinta Brewing Company is a light-bodied, very crisp, and very refreshing example of a traditional German-style Pilsener.  It pours a clear, light honey-gold with a big, 2-finger frothy head.  The nose (as well as the flavor) is characterized by a clean hop profile perfectly blended with aromas of light herbs, sweet grains, and biscuity malt.  Light-bodied, the mouthfeel is both crisp and smooth.  The taste is characterized initially by toasty cracker/biscuit notes that give way to more grassy and herbal hop flavors.  There are also notes of lemon and sweet corn.  Probably my favorite local Pilsner, the 801 doesn't have any of those butter of sulfur flavors you find in other beers of the same style.  The finish is crisp, dry, hoppy, and refreshing.  And speaking of refreshing...
Characterized by thought provoking lyrics, wonderfully crafted and catchy hooks, driving and crunchy guitars, and a powerfully heavy rhythm section, the Socialists' self-titled album (released in June 2014) is some of the most compelling music I've heard on the local scene in years.  Bandleader and drummer Joshua Belka's writing prowess in both music and lyrics is obvious from the opening notes of  "Yes Espanola".  His lyrics are intelligent, interesting, and sometime humorous.  His music is a wonderful blend of post punk, pop, and stoner rock/metal.  Songs like "Shazbot/Witch", "God Is Daft", "Praise Boss", "March Of Industry", "The End", and "Buckhorn" are .  The lead guitar work by Justin "Juice" Williams coupled by the rhythm guitar work of Chad Krusell (who just so happens to be the head brewer over at Uinta Brewing Co.) is a richly textured explosion of riffs.  And the rhythm section of Belka (drums) and Stephanie Krusell (bass) is thunderous and intricate sonic wall of massive sound, reminiscent of the Melvins and Sonic Youth. 

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