Friday, August 8, 2014

August 8th, 2014 - A Unisonic Hails To The Germans!

Guten abend mein friends!!  The Meista here with another rocking pairing for you!  Tonight I'm going with the self-titled, debut album by German super group Unisonic and a Weihenstephaner Hefeweisen Dark from "the worlds oldest brewery", Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan!!

Super malty and complex, the Weihenstephaner Hefeweisen Dark from Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan is a perfect example of a Dunkelweizen... seriously!  It pours a dark amber, the color of freshly pulled butter toffee with a half-finger, creamy head.  The nose is spicy and sweet with huge banana goodness!  Rich, but not overwhelming, the flavor is characterized by a wonderful blend of spices, malts, and German yeast.  There a big notes of banana, pear, cloves, nutmeg, caramel, and freshly baked bread.  The mouthfeel is both creamy and sharp from the carbonation.  Definitely one of the best Dunkelweizens I've experienced, the Weihenstephaner Hefeweisen Dark is a must for any fan of true German Hefes!!  And it goes great with the driving power metal insanity of Unisonic!!

Released in March of 2012, "Unisonic" is the self titled debut album by German power metal band Unisonic.  The band is made up of  Dennis Ward (bass) and Kosta Zafiriou (drums) from Pink Cream 69; Mandy Myer (lead and rhythm guitars) from Gotthard, Asia, and Krokus; Kai Hansen (lead and rhythm guitars) from Helloween and Gamma Ray; and Michael Kiske from Helloween!  Combining all the best elements of the contributors' previous works/bands, "Unisonic" is a brilliant blend of songwriting talent, power metal prowess, and intense delivery.  This album is fun as hell to listen to and brilliantly complex at the same time.  Along with Kiske's vocal intensity, the guitar work is completely mesmerizing.  Every track on "Unisonic" is full on, bad-ass German power metal goodness!!  A definite MUST for any true power metal fan... and it goes brilliantly with the Weihenstephaner Hefeweisen Dark!!


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