Good evening! The Meista here rockin' out tonight to Motörhead's "Orgasmatron" and a Rogue Farms OREgasmic Ale from Rogue Ales! This one goes out to my buddy Jerm... cheers man!!
Album Info:
- Artist: Motörhead
- Title: "Orgasmatron"
- Recorded: 1986 at Master Rock Studios in London, England
- Release date: August 9th, 1986 (7th studio album by Motörhead)
- Record company: GWR Records
- Production: Bill Laswell and Jason Corsaro
- Album cover art: Joe Petagno
- Personnel: Michael Würzel Burston (guitar), Phil "Wizzö" Campbell (guitar), Pete Gill (drums), and Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister (bass and vocals)
- Musical style: Heavy metal, hard rock
- Sound: Like only Motörhead can deliver, the sound is fast, furious, and bold with crunching guitars and bass, thunderous drumming, and Lemmy's powerful, honest and unique voice! Pure magic!!
- Major themes: Criticism of organized religion, politics, and war, hypocrisy, aggression, sex, lust, power, rock and roll, etc.
- Notes: Of the title track, Lemmy was quoted as stating: "It refers to the three things that I hate most in life - organized religion, politics and war. Things like people that go to church and cum in their pants while communicating with Jesus Christ. It's all a bunch of bullshit. If you're really into that, you don't need to go to church or talk to God, you can talk to him everywhere, you know? Or if you join a political party and get your jollies off that, when your party wins and all that. It's the herd instinct. The same thing with war. They give you a nice new uniform and march you off to die."
- Tracks:
- "Deaf Forever"
- "Nothing Up My Sleeve"
- "Ain't My Crime"
- "Claw"
- "Mean Machine"
- "Built For Speed"
- "Ridin' With The Driver"
- "Doctor Rock"
- "Orgasmatron"
- Brewery: Rogue Ales (Newport, Oregon)
- Website:
- Brew: Rogue Farms OREgasmic Ale
- Style: American Pale Ale (APA)
- Serving: 22 ounce bottle
- ABV: 6.0%
- IBUs: 40
- Ingredients: Micro Barley Farm first growth Dare™ & Risk™ Malts; Willamette, Sterling, and First Growth Micro Hopyard Revolution Hops, Pacman Yeast, and Free Range Coastal Water.
- Pour: Cloudy, deep copper (almost bronze) amber with a creamy, 1-finger off-white head that diminishes to a nice cap with good lacing.
- Nose: Initial aromas of malt, toasted bread, brown sugar, molasses, and butter toffee followed by dank, earthy, and citrusy hop aromas. There are notes of pine, cedar, and grapefruit rind.
- Taste: The hops are dominated by malt flavors. There are notes of roasted malt, baked bread, molasses, and caramel with grassy hops, citrus (grapefruit and lemon zest), and black tea.
- Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied and well-carbonated, the mouthfeel is smooth and oily with a lingering hoppy and slightly bitter finish.
Cheers and hails!!
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