Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December 19th, 2017 - Bears Ears And An Anonymous Tomahawk

Good evening!  The Meista here tonight pairing a delicious Bears Ears Amber Ale from Desert Edge Brewery and "Anonymous" by Tomahawk!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Tomahawk
  • Title: "Anonymous"
  • Recorded: 2007 in Nashville and San Francisco
  • Release date: June 19th, 2007 (3rd studio album by Tomahawk)
  • Record company: Ipecac Records
  • Production: Tomahawk
  • Album cover art: Martin Kvamme and Mike Patton
  • Personnel: Duane Denison (guitars and bass guitar), Mike Patton (vocals, samples, keyboards, and bass guitar), John Stanier (drums)
  • Musical style: Native American music, experimental rock, alternative rock
  • Sound: Powerful and mesmerizing, the sound on "Anonymous" is tribal, dark, moody, sometimes spooky, sometimes aggressive, warm, kinetic, and organic.  Denison found transcriptions of traditional Native American music on various reservations and based his work for the album on these compositions.  The band "took a lot of liberties, and filled in a lot of space" he stated.
  • Major themes: A concept album based on traditional Native American songs, themes on the album include life and death, ceremony, mother nature, celebration, dance, pain, honesty, beauty, etc.
  • Tracks:   
  1. "War Song"
  2. "Mescal Rite 1"
  3. "Ghost Dance"
  4. "Red Fox"
  5. "Cradle Song"
  6. "Antelope Ceremony"
  7. "Song Of Victory"
  8. "Omaha Dance"
  9. "Sun Dance"
  10. "Mescal Rite 2"
  11. "Totem"
  12. "Crow Dance"
  13. "Long, Long Weary Day"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Desert Edge Brewery (Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Website: http://desertedgebrewery.com/
  • Brew: Bears Ears Amber Ale
  • Style: Amber Ale
  • Serving: 16 ounce pint off the tap
  • ABV: 4.0%
  • IBUs: 30
  • Ingredients: Pale, Munich, Crystal 45, Crystal 120, Brown, and Carafa 3 malts with Centennial hops
  • Pour: The Bears Ears pours a clear, deep mahogany red with a frothy, 1+ finger white head with great retention and lots of intricate and layered spider web lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is nutty, toasty, bready, and malty.  There are aromas of fresh baked doughy bread, hazelnuts, walnuts, and sweet caramel/toffee.
  • Taste: The taste of the Bears Ears follows the nose with lots of roasty, toasty, bready flavors.  There are notes of rich roasted malts, fresh bread, roasted hazelnuts, and sweet caramel.  
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied and moderately carbonated, the mouthfeel of the Bears Ears is very smooth with a clean finish.
Overall pairing: The seasonal Bears Ears Amber Ale from Master Chad at Desert Edge Brewery is a wonderfully flavorful toasty/roasty brew... perfect for the tribal sounds, warmth, and honesty of Tomahawk's "Anonymous" album!  Make sure you get into Desert Edge before they run out!

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