God ettermiddag evil-doers! The Meista here getting very dark and evil this blustery Sunday afternoon with the classic black metal album "Transilvanian Hunger" (2014 remastered version) by Darkthrone and an ass-kicking Dark Alley Imperial Stout from 2 Row Brewing!
Album Info:
- Artist: Darkthrone
- Title: "Transilvanian Hunger" (2014 remastered version)
- Recorded: November through December 1993
- Release date: February 17th, 1994 (4th studio album by Darkthrone)
- Record company: Peaceville Records
- Production: Darkthrone
- Album cover art: Tania Stene
- Personnel: Nocturno Culto (lead guitar and vocals), Fenriz (rhythm guitar, bass guitar, and drums), and Count Grishnackh aka Varg Vikernes (lyrics)
- Musical style: Norwegian black metal
- Sound: Raw, fast-paced, primitive, minimalist, repetitive, and highly influential, the sound on Darkthrone's "Transilvanian Hunger" is definitive Scandinavian black metal! It seems to embody all that is evil and dark. The guitar work is frenzied, machine gun fire fast, and chaotic. The bass and drums are primitive, repetitive, and conjure images of tribal ritual and sacrifice. Culto's vocals are sharp, screechy, and infernal.
- Major themes: Darkness, the occult, evil, Satan, death, nature, mythology, folklore, etc.
- Tracks:
Disc 1:
- "Transilvanian Hunger"
- "Over fjell og gjennom torner"
- "Skald av Satans sol"
- "Slottet i det fjerne"
- "Graven tåkeheimens saler"
- "I en hall med flesk og mjød"
- "As Flittermice As Satans Spys"
- "En ås i dype skogen"
Disc 2:
Full album with commentary by Fenriz.
Brew Info:
- Brewery: 2 Row Brewing (Midvale, Utah)
- Website: http://2rowbrewing.com/
- Brew: Dark Alley Imperial Stout
- Style: Imperial Stout
- Serving: 12 ounce bottle
- ABV: 13.5%
- IBUs: 56
- Pour: The Dark Alley pours an opaque ink black with a thick, frothy, and creamy 2-finger, dark mocha head with great retention and sticky, layered, soapy lacing.
- Nose: The nose is earthy, roasty, toasty, and malty. There are aromas of bittersweet baker's dark chocolate, molasses, dark fruits (raisins and prunes), burnt toffee, roasted malts, rich mocha coffee, and hints of booze.
- Taste: The taste of the Dark Alley is bitter, rich, earthy, sweet, boozy, and chocolaty. There are notes of black licorice, dark chocolate, vanilla, raisin, espresso beans, molasses, toffee, oak, and smoky bourbon.
- Mouthfeel: Full-bodied with low carbonation, the mouthfeel of the Dark Alley is thick, sticky, velvety, yet biting from the high ABV with a bittersweet and dry finish.
Overall pairing: The dry, dark roasty, and aggressive boozy flavors and aromas of 2 Row's Dark Alley Imperial Stout is the perfect brew to slowly sip whilst listening to the infernal conjurings that Darkthrone summons with "Transilvanian Hunger"! And as this delectably dangerous brew is dedicated to fear and those things that go bump in the night, it seems fitting that "Transilvanian Hunger" popped in my head as a fitting companion!
Skål!! HAILS Darkthrone!!
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