Friday, February 2, 2018

February 2nd, 2018 - The Best (Brett) Wit Of Roger Taylor

Hello and happy Friday! Your drinking buddy the Meista here today pairing a Brett Witt from pFriem and "Roger Taylor: Best", a compilation anthology of Roger Taylor's solo work!
Album Info:
  • Artist: Roger Taylor
  • Title: "Roger Taylor: Best"
  • Recorded: 1981 through 2013 
  • Release date: 2014
  • Record company: Omnivore Records
  • Production: Roger Taylor
  • Album cover art: Hipgnosis
  • Personnel: Roger Taylor (vocals, drums, guitars, bass, and keyboards) with various musicians
  • Musical style: Hard rock, rock, power pop, progressive rock, art rock, alternative rock, synth-rock
  • Sound: Similar to the later sound of Queen, but more experimental and more introspective, the music of Roger Taylor is complex, melodic, experimental, compelling, and sometimes strange, but always a foot-stomping good time!
  • Major themes: Socio-political commentary and criticism of human interaction, commercialism, and materialism, along with songs about life, relationships, honesty, beauty, etc.
  • Tracks:   
  1. "Future Management (You Don't Need Nobody Else"
  2. "I Wanna Testify"
  3. "Let's Get Crazy"
  4. "Magic Is Loose"
  5. "Strange Frontier"
  6. "Man On Fire"
  7. "Beautiful Dreams"
  8. "Nazis 1994"
  9. "Foreign Sand"
  10. "Everybody Hurts Sometime"
  11. "Happiness"
  12. "Surrender"
  13. "Where Are You Now?"
  14. "A Nation Of Haircuts"
  15. "Tonight"
  16. "No More Fun"
  17. "The Unblinking Eye (Everything Is Broken) 45"
  18. "Sunny Day"

    Brew Info:
  • Brewery: pFriem Family Brewers (Hood River, Oregon)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Brett Wit
  • Style: Witbier
  • Serving: 12 ounce bottle 
  • ABV: 5.6%
  • IBUs: 18
  • Ingredients: Gambrinus Canadian Pilsner Malt, Weyermann Wheat Malt, and Acidulated Malt, German Tettnang hops, Belgian Ale yeast, Brettanomyces, coriander, and orange peel
  • Pour: The Brett Witt pours a bright, golden yellow with a frothy, bright white, 1-fnger head that dissipates to a thin ring with little lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is grainy, fruity, tart, and funky.  There are aromas of lemon juice and zest, orange peel, apricot, cracked wheat, barnyard funk, and pepper.
  • Taste: Following the nose, the taste of the Brett Witt is full of tart fruit flavors, sour grain, and a fair amount of funk.  There are note of lemon, orange zest, coriander, pepper, soft banana, apple cider vinegar, apricot, bitter herbs, grain, funk, and spices.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied and well-carbonated, the mouthfeel is frothy, crisp, very tart, and slightly bitter with a dry finish. 

Overall pairing: The funky, fruity, tart character of the Brett Wit from pFriem is perfect for the introspective depth and profound musicianship of the amazingly talented Roger Taylor!  The complexity of the brew and depth and integrity of Taylor's songwriting make for wonderful bedfellows! 


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