Friday, July 27, 2018

July 27th, 2018 - Expect No Mercy From The Pale Death

Hello and happy Friday evil-doers!  The Meista here today pairing a Pale Death Belgian Style Imperial IPA from Double Mountain Brewery and "Expect No Mercy" from Scottish hard rock outfit Nazareth!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Nazareth’s
  • Title: "Expect No Mercy"
  • Recorded: 1977 at Le Studio in Morin Heights, Quebec, Canada
  • Release date: November 1977 (9th studio album by Nazareth)
  • Record company: A&M Records
  • Production: Manny Charlton
  • Album cover art: Frank Frazetta
  • Personnel: Pete Agnew (bass guitar and guitars), Manny Charlton (guitars), Dan McCafferty (lead vocals), and Darrell Sweet (drums)
  • Musical style: Hard rock, heavy blues rock, Southern rock
  • Sound: With churning bass lines, thunderous drums, fiery guitars, and fierce vocals, "Expect No Mercy" saw Nazareth return to the heavier sound that had been missing since "Hair Of The Dog"!  
  • Major themes: Revenge, anger, aggression, life's cruelties, dominance, sorrow, etc.
  • Tracks:   
  1. "Expect No Mercy"
  2. "Gone Dead Train"
  3. "Shot Me Down"
  4. "Revenge Is Sweet"
  5. "Gimme What's Mine"
  6. "Kentucky Fried Blues"
  7. "New York Broken Toy"
  8. "Busted"
  9. "Place In Your Heart"
  10. "All The King's Horses"
Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Double Mountain Brewery (Hood River, Oregon)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Pale Death Belgian Style Imperial IPA
  • Style: Belgian India Pale Ale (IPA) / Imperial IPA (IIPA) / Double IPA (DIPA)
  • Serving: 16 ounce bottle
  • ABV: 8.5%
  • IBUs: 88
  • Ingredients: Ardennes yeast, Mosaic hops, Pale malt
  • Pour: The Pale Death  pours a hazy bronze-orange with a thick, billowy, 2+ finger head with great retention and soapy lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is dank, tropical, citrusy, and slightly sweet. There are aromas of Belgian yeast, kiwi, mango, pineapple, grapefruit rind, orange peel, coriander, pine, and a malty backbone.
  • Taste: The taste of the Pale Death is hop-forward, citrusy, fruity, dank, and bitter.  There are notes of grapefruit, orange peel, tangerine, kiwi, starfruit, mango, pink bubblegum, bready malts, and a hint of soft banana from the Belgian yeast.
  • Mouthfeel: Full-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel of the Pale Death is bitter, with a slightly boozy and spicy, dry finish.

Overall pairing: Bitter and punchy, the hop-forward flavors of the Double Mountain Pale Death Belgian Style Imperial IPA make for a great companion to the aggressive, in-your-face, hard rockin' steamroller of Nazareth's wonderful "Expect No Mercy"!

" I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts, and I looked to behold a Pale horse, and the name that set on him was Death, and Hell followed him."

Cheers!!  And hails to Nazareth!!

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