Saturday, November 28, 2020

November 28th, 2020 - Through The Haze Of An Arc Of Dead Ancients


Hello and hails my head-banging brethren!  The Meista here on this cold Saturday raising horns and rocking the hell out to a pairing of a delicious and juicy Haze Of The Dead (Deadhead IPA Series) from DESTIHL Brewery and "Arc Of Ancients", the most recent kick-ass album by Ohio blackened death thrashers Dismemberment!  Hell yeah!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Dismemberment
  • Title: "Arc Of Ancients"
  • Recorded: 2019 at Razorhoof Studios in Ohio
  • Release date: October 18th, 2019 (2nd full-length studio album by Dismemberment)
  • Record company: Creator-Destructor Records 
  • Production: Dismemberment 
  • Album cover art: Andrei Bouzikov 
  • Personnel: Taylor Emerine (drums), J.D. Henderly (bass), Jacob Shively (lead guitars), and Luke Shively (guitars and vocals)  
  • Musical style: Thrash metal, death metal, black metal
  • Sound: Blending aggressive, fast, and brutal old-school thrash and death metal with black metal elements, Dismemberment is metal juggernaut in the truest sense of the term!  These guys lay day heavy duty rhythms under fiery riffing and blackened death growls!  
  • Major themes: Darkness, death, evil, insanity, suffering, nature, the cold, fear, the occult, etc. 
  • Tracks:   
  1. "From The Depths"
  2. "A Path Beyond"
  3. "Through Earth And Steel..."
  4. "Beneath Bitter Frost"
  5. "Winds Of Tribulation"
  6. "Perdition's Flame"
  7. "Now As One"
  8. "Once Forsaken"
  9. "Final Outcome"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: DESTIHL Brewery (Normal, Illinois)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Haze Of The Dead (Deadhead IPA Series)
  • Style: Double India Pale Ale (DIPA) / Imperial IPA (IIPA)
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 8.5%
  • IBUs: 83 
  • Ingredient: Citra and Simcoe hops with 2-Row, flaked oats, Pilsen malt, and wheat
  • Pour: The Haze Of The Dead pours a very hazy pale golden-yellow with a frothy, bright white, 2-finger head with good retention and lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is very citrusy, tropical, floral, and herbal.  There are aromas of orange peel, lemon zest, grapefruit rind, pineapple, mango, wild flowers, herbal tea, crackery biscuit, and sweet caramel.
  • Taste: Like the nose, the taste of the Haze Of The Dead is citrusy, tropical, acidic, and herbal... and slightly boozy.  Hop-forward, there are notes of tangerine, pink grapefruit juice, mango, grassy hops, orange tea, a hint of booze, and soft caramel.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is very crisp, juicy, and smooth with a dry, bitter, slightly boozy finish.

Overall pairing: Those punchy and juicy hops of the DESTIHL Haze Of The Dead are dangerously crushable and work great with the overall aggression, fierce riffing, and explosive power that is Dismemberment's phenomenal "Arc Of Ancients"!  I highly recommend this album (available on Music | DISMEMBERMENT ( the brew!  'Nuff said!

Cheers and hails!!

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