Friday, January 15, 2021

January 15th, 2021 - The Reek Of Putrefaction And My Moring Grind[core]


Good morning and happy Friday evil-doers, rivet heads, and craft beer freaks!  Your dinking buddy the Meista here on this fine day getting the weekend off to the right start with an insanely intense pairing of an Ales From The Crypt Willet Reserve Bourbon Barrel-aged Morning Grind (2020) from O.H.S.O. Brewery and Carcass's brutal debut album "Reek Of Putrefaction"!  Special thanks to Todd G. for the beer!  Cheers man!! 

Album Info: 

  • Artist: Carcass
  • Title: "Reek Of Putrefaction"
  • Recorded: December 1987 through March 1988 at Rich "Funeral" Bitch Studios in Birmingham, England
  • Release date: June 1988 (1st full-length studio album released by Carcass)
  • Record company: Earache Records 
  • Production: Paul Talbot and Dig Pearson 
  • Album cover art: Gruesome Graphics Inc.
  • Personnel: Grume Gargler and Eviscerator of Maturated Neoplasm aka Ken Owen (drums and vocals), Gratuitously Brutal Asphyxiator of Ulcerated Pyoxanthous Goitres aka Bill Steer (guitars and vocals), and Frenzied Fornicator of Fetid Fetishes and Sickening Grisly Fetes aka Jeff Walker (bass and vocals)
  • Musical style: Goregrind, grindcore, death metal
  • Sound: Characterized by heavily distorted, pitch-shifted, "watery" vocals, insanely fast blast beats, and heavily distorted and abrasive guitars and bass, Carcass's sound on their debut album is incredibly raw, incredibly aggressive, and downright evil! 
  • Major themes: As opposed to most early grindcore bands that focused on socio-political lyrical themes, Carcass was obsessed with forensic pathology, various elements of death, and medical procedures.  Themes on the album include blood, gore, the grotesque, medical procedures, forensic pathology, anatomy, autopsies, death, dismemberment, rot, etc. 
  • Tracks:   
  1. "Genital Grinder"
  2. "Regurgitation Of Giblets"
  3. "Maggot Colony"
  4. "Pyosisified (Rotten To The Gore)"
  5. "Carbonized Eyesockets"
  6. "Frenzied Detruncation"
  7. "Vomited Anal Tract"
  8. "Festerday"
  9. "Fermenting Innards"
  10. "Excreted Alive"
  11. "Suppuration"
  12. "Foeticide"
  13. "Microwaved Uterogestation"
  14. "Feast On Dismembered Carnage"
  15. "Splattered Cavities"
  16. "Psychopathologist"
  17. "Burnt To A Crisp"
  18. "Pungent Excruciation"
  19. "Manifestation Of Verrucose Urethra"
  20. "Oxidised Razor Masticator"
  21. "Mucopurulence Excretor"
  22. "Malignant Defecation"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: O.H.S.O. Brewery (Phoenix, Arizona)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Ales From The Crypt Willet Reserve Bourbon Barrel-aged Morning Grind (2020)  
  • Style: Imperial Breakfast Stout 
  • Serving: 12 ounce can
  • ABV: 14.2%
  • IBUs: 31 
  • Ingredients: Imperial Breakfast Stout aged in Pot Still Reserve bourbon barrels with a custom Infusion Coffee blend, maple syrup, Ugandan vanilla beans, and cacao
  • Pour: The Morning Grind pours an ink black with a very thin, dark mocha head that dissipates quickly, leaving almost no lacing .
  • Nose: The nose is rich, roasty, malty, sweet, slightly fruity, and boozy.  There are big aromas of maple syrup upfront along with dark chocolate, milk chocolate, cocoa, rich dark roasted coffee, buttery waffle batter, burnt toffee, and black cherry juice with lighter aromas of rich bourbon, cream, marshmallow, oak, and vanilla bean.
  • Taste: The taste follows the nose with lots of big boozy, chocolatey, earthy, fruity, malty, and sweet flavors.  There are notes of sweet maple syrup, bitter dark chocolate, sweet milk chocolate, dark roasted coffee, cherry juice, prune juice, rich bourbon, fresh cream, light vanilla, and sweet toffee.  My wife likened it to licking the inside of a bourbon barrel... hahaha!
  • Mouthfeel: Full-bodied with low carbonation, the mouthfeel is very thick, creamy, and velvety with a dry, slight sweet, slightly bitter, boozy finish. 

Overall pairing: As you would expect, those big, bold, malty, boozy, and richly delicious flavors of the Ales From The Crypt Willet Reserve Bourbon Barrel-aged Morning Grind (2020) along with its 14.2% AVB make it a bit of an ass-kicker... much like our friends Carcass from across the pond!  The sweetness makes it a nice foil to the brutally aggressive music while the biting booziness is perfect for the guttural vocals and darker lyrical themes!  'Nuff said! 

Cheers!!  Hails!!  

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