Saturday, April 16, 2022

April 16th, 2022 - Doomsday Deferred By The Dagda


Good evening, friends!  Your metal drinking buddy the Meista here getting heavy and a bit punchy tonight with the wonderful "Doomsday Deferred", the most recent album by the very cool Tommy Stewart's Dyerwulf and a tasty and complex The Dagda India Pale Ale from the fine folks at Talisman Brewing Company!  Hell yeah!

Album Info:

  • Artist: Tommy Stewart's Dyerwulf 
  • Title: "Doomsday Deferred"
  • Recorded: 2021 at Blue Ogre Noise Lab in Smyrna, Georgia
  • Release date: September 3rd, 2021 (3rd full-length studio album by Tommy Stewart's Dyerwulf)
  • Record company: Black Doomba Records
  • Production: Tommy Stewart 
  • Album cover art: Eriko Montfuji (aka MontDoom) 
  • Personnel: Tommy Stewart (bass, vocals, percussion, and drums on "Indiscriminate Trepidation" and "By The Blood Of Mars") 
  • Additional musicians: Brandon Johnson (bass on "Stars Flee In Pain"), Ray Miner (drums on "Not Prey To Yourself"), Jarred Page (drums on "Madness For Two"), Dennis Reid (drums on "Two Trog Yomp", "Rolling My Own", and "Stars Flee In Pain"), and Eric Vogt (drums on "Shadow In The Well" and "By The Blood Of Mars")
  • Musical style: Doom metal with elements of stoner rock and art rock
  • Sound: Dark, sludgy, and heavy as hell, the sound on "Doomsday Deferred" is a richly textured tapestry of doom metal/stoner rock along with more experimental elements.  I really, really dig this album!
  • Major themes: Darkness, doom, freedom, independence, fear, darkness, mythology, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Doomsday Malum"
  2. "Shadow In The Well"
  3. "Two Trog Yomp"
  4. "Madness For Two"
  5. "Rolling My Own"
  6. "Not Prey To Yourself"
  7. "Indiscriminate Trepidation"
  8. "Stars Flee In Pain"
  9. "Why The Rotting Sun Speaks In Tongues"
  10. "By The Blood Of Mars"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: Talisman Brewing Company (Ogden, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew: The Dagda India Pale Ale
  • Style: American India Pale Ale (IPA)
  • Serving: 22 ounce bottle
  • ABV: 6.5%
  • IBUs: 65
  • Pour: The Dagda pours a hazy, honey-gold hue with a 1-finger, off-white, frothy head that dissipates to a nice, creamy ring with trace lacing.
  • Nose: The nose of the Dagda is dank, piney, resinous, floral, citrusy, and somewhat sweet with a malty backbone.  There are aromas of wildflowers, pine and cedar, grapefruit rind, tangerine, black tea, wild honey, soft caramel, and bready biscuit.
  • Taste: Hop forward and malty, the taste of the Dagda is a very drinkable, but with a good dose of punchy aggressiveness.  There are notes of spicy herbs, pine, grapefruit juice, fresh baked bread, honey, white pepper, and hints of toffee.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is very smooth and crisp with a dry, peppery, and slightly bitter finish.

Overall pairing: Although The Dagda is a punchy IPA and I normally like to pair doomy, sludgy metal and stoner rock with big, bold imperial stouts, I thought the imagery of the beer label along with the hoppy aggressiveness would be perfect for the sludgy sonic decimation and imagery that is Tommy Stewart's Dyerwulf's wonderful "Doomsday Deferred"... and I was right!  Those piney, resinous aromas and flavors conjure images of dark wooded forest in the deep south and those southern gothic sensibilities!  I think the sharp hoppy elements go well with more experimental compositions as well.

And if you haven't done so already, make sure to check out my interview with the very friendly Tommy Stewart here:

Cheers!!  Hails!!

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