Monday, February 20, 2023

February 20th, 2023 - "For Me, Thrash Is The Epitome Of Musical Perfection": An Interview With Bassist/Guitarist Mike Dreher


Hey there thrashers and metal maniacs!  It's the Meista here with another great interview for you!  I recently had the great pleasure of conducting an interview with the incredibly talented, forthcoming, and friendly Mike Dreher, guitarist of Annihilation Process and bassist of such bands as Condition Critical, Lich King, etc.!  Here's a link to that interview:


Make sure to check out Annihilation Process at:
Cheers and Hails!!  \m/  \m/

*Photo of Mike by Chris Smalls
**Many thanks to John Thomas for setting up this interview, to Jamie Winters for designing the Brews and Tunes logo, to Jerry Howard for creating the Brews and Tunes intro video and to DiseNgaged for the use of their song "The Real Me" (copyright 2020)

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