Thursday, October 12, 2023

October 12th, 2023 - A Grand Reserve of Slithering Evisceration


Hey there evildoers, headbangers, and craft brew lovers!  The Meista here today pairing "Slithering Evisceration", the sophomore album by Baltimore brutal death metal band Visceral Disgorge and a tasty and complex Grand Réserve Triple Reposée from Microbrasserie Le Castor!  Hell yeah!  And this pairing goes out to my metal and beer friend Stéph Dèls.  Thanks very much for the tasty brew, brother... à votre santé and hails!!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Visceral Disgorge
  • Title: "Slithering Evisceration"
  • Recorded: 2019 at WrightWayStudios in Baltimore, Maryland
  • Release date: September 19th, 2019 (2nd full-length studio album by Visceral Disgorge)
  • Record company: Agonia Records 
  • Production: Drew Lamond and Visceral Disgorge
  • Album cover art: Stephen Somers 
  • Personnel: Billy Denne (drums), Eric Little (bass), Charlie Marvel (guitars), Steve Miles (guitars), and Travis Werner (vocals)
  • Musical style: Brutal death metal
  • Sound: Characterized by fiery and infernal guitars, machine gun fire blast beats, thunderous bass, and brutally intense growls and screams, the sound on "Slithering Evisceration" is everything you want from extreme, underground death metal!  And if you ever get a chance, make sure to check out these guys live... powerful stuff!  
  • Major themes: Gore, sexual torture, cosmic horror, evil, death, terror, oblivion, "fucking and getting fucked", etc.
  • Tracks:  
      1. "Slithering Evisceration"
      2. "Fucked Into Oblivion"
      3. "Architects Of Warping Flesh"
      4. "Saprogenic Deformation"
      5. "Aborted By The Swarm"
      6. "Siphoning Cosmic Sentience"
      7. "Necrotic Biogenesis"
      8. "Spawn Of Putridity"
      9. "Transfixed In Torture"

    Brew Info:
    • Brewery: Microbrasserie Le Castor (Rigaud, Québec, Canada)
    • Website:
    • Brew: Grand Réserve Triple Reposée 
    • Style: Belgian Triple
    • Serving: 16 ounce can
    • ABV: 9.0% 
    • Ingredients: Belgian triple aged for 4 months in spirit barrels that previously aged Le Castor Wee Heavy Bourbon Ale.
    • Pour: The Grand Réserve Triple Reposée pours a very murky golden-amber hue with a thin, yet frothy, bright white head with good retention and soapy lacing.
    • Nose: The nose is fruity, spicy, earthy, woody, and slightly funky and boozy.  There are aromas of pear, apple, Chardonnay, ripe banana, banana bread, lemon zest, orange zest, cloves, nutmeg, wild yeast, and hints of vanilla bean, oak, and bourbon.
    • Taste: The taste of the Grand Réserve Triple Reposée follows the nose with loads of complex fruity, spicy, and boozy flavors.  There are notes of soft banana, lemon zest, pear juice, white wine, vanilla, cognac, and toffee.
    • Mouthfeel: Full-bodied and well-carbonated, the mouthfeel of the Grand Réserve Triple Reposée is with a dry, slightly boozy finish.

    Overall pairing: The Grand Réserve Triple Reposée from Le Castor is a very bold, complex, and flavorful brew... perfect for the intense brutality of Visceral Disgorge's powerful "Slithering Evisceration" album!  'Nuff said! 

    Cheers and hails!!  

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