Sunday, October 22, 2023

October 22nd, 2023 - An Oso Fresco Reason for Changes


Boa noite! craft beer fiends and headbangers!  The Meista here rocking out with a pairing of "Reason For Changes", the wonderful sophomore album by Brazilian progressive metal band XFears and a bold and hoppy Oso Fresco Pale Ale from the fine folks at Fisher Brewing!  Hell yeah!

Album Info:
  • Artist: XFears
  • Title: "Reason For Changes" 
  • Recorded: 2022 through 2023 at Estudio 4 All in São Paul, Brazil 
  • Release date: August 25th, 2023 (2nd studio album by XFEARS)
  • Record company: Metal Relics
  • Production: XFears 
  • Album cover art: ?
  • Personnel: Murilo Barim (bass), Gabriel Carvalho (keyboards, piano, vocals), Nando Cavaccini (guitars), and Douglas Polents (drums) 
  • Guest musicians: Ricardo Roque (guitars on "Don't Wait") and Ricardo Rossi (lyrics on "Reason To Stay")
  • Musical style: Progressive metal
  • Sound: Bright, upbeat, yet complex, the sound on "Reason For Changes" is combines elements of neo-progressive rock and melodic metal... sort like Marillion meets Symphony X or Kamelot.  There are lots of soaring keys, crunching guitars, and thunderous bass and drums! 
  • Major themes: Life, knowledge, change, redemption, music, nature, humanity, etc.
  • Tracks:  
  1. "Overture"
  2. "When We Die"
  3. "Don't Wait"
  4. "Fix It All"
  5. "Redemption"
  6. "Changes"
  7. "Reason To Stay"
  8. "The Show Must Go On" (Queen cover)
  9. "Peace Within"

    Brew Info:
    • Brewery: Fisher Brewing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
    • Website:
    • Brew: Oso Fresco Pale Ale
    • Style: American Pale Ale (APA)
    • Serving: 32 ounce crowler can
    • ABV: 5.0%
    • IBUs: 50
    • Ingredients: Strata hops 
    • Pour: The Oso Fresco pours a fairly clear, golden-yellow hue with a billowy and frothy, bright white, 1+ finger head with great sustain and lots of sudsy, sticky, and layered lacing.
    • Nose: The nose is characterized by citrusy, floral, earthy, and herbal hops, and more subtle sweeter malts.  There are aromas of freshly cut hay, green hops, grapefruit rind, lemon zest, herbal tea, light pine resin, wildflowers, doughy bread, toasted malts, a hint of onion, and soft, sweet caramel/toffee.
    • Taste: The taste of the Oso Fresco follows the nose with lots of citrusy, fresh hop, earthy, and herbal flavors along with crackery maltiness.  There are notes of grassy hops, grapefruit juice, tangerine,  crackery biscuit, light pine, and soft caramel/toffee.
    • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is crisp, slightly bitter, yet smooth with a dry, bitter finish

    Overall pairing: Brash, flavorful, and complex, the Fisher Oso Fresco is a huge blast of fresh hoppy and interesting flavors... perfect for the !  'Nuff said!

    Check out the interview I did with XFears vocalist and keyboardist Gabriel Carvalho here:

    Saúde!!  Hails!! 

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