Tuesday, January 30, 2024

January 30th, 2024 - "Listen Up, We're Risen Up,": An Interview with Jym "Jymbo" Harris and Tim "The Mothman" Dahlen of the Might Emissary


Hey there rockers, rollers, and headbangers!  Your heavy metal drinking pal the Meista here today with another great interview for you!  This one is with Jym "Jymbo" Harris and Tim "The Mothman" Dahlen of Emissary!  We chatted about Emissary's upcoming album, their upcoming show with Thor, and much, much more!  Here's a link to that video interviewhttps://youtu.be/ql8v8Uh0XDc


Learn more about Emissary here:

Cheers and Hails!!   \m/  \m/

*Photo of Jym and Tim by Shaun Wilson
**Special thanks to Jamie Winters for designing the Brews and Tunes logoJerry Howard for creating the Brews and Tunes intro video and to DiseNgaged for the use of their song "The Real Me" (copyright 2020)
*** And a special shout out to Benjamin Niebla II of Online Metal Promo

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