Monday, September 16, 2024

September 16th, 2024 - "Full Circle": An Interview with Guitarist Andy Brings


Hey there rockers, rollers, and heavy metal maniacs!  The Meista here with another killer interview for you!  This one is with the very friendly and very talented Andy Brings, guitarist and vocalist of Double Crush Syndrome as well as former guitarist of the mighty Sodom!  We chatted about the upcoming 2024 remastered and remixed classic Sodom album "Tapping The Vein", Andy's previous work with Sodom, his solo career, his work with Double Crush Syndrome, Powergod, Doro, The Traceelords, etc., his rich history as a musician in general, his production work, his film Full Circle - Last Exit Rock N Rolland much more!  Here's a link to that video interview


Make sure to check out Double Crush Syndrome here: 
Pre-order Sodom's "Tapping The Vein" here: 
And check out the Full Circle film here: 

Cheers!!  Hails!!

*Photo of Andy by Olli Haas
**Special thanks to John Thomas for setting up this interview, to Jamie Winters for designing the Brews and Tunes logoJerry Howard for creating the Brews and Tunes intro video and to DiseNgaged for the use of their song "The Real Me" (copyright 2020)

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