Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13th, 2014 - My Private Eyes Spy a Summer Honey Ale!

Good afternoon!  The Meista here with another artisan beer and rock and roll album for you...  With the final days of summer upon us, I thought I would go with something a little sweet and refreshing, a Summer Honey Ale from Big Sky Brewing Company and "Private Eyes" by Tommy Bolin!

"Private Eyes" is the 2nd studio solo album by guitarist/vocalist Tommy Bolin (Zephyr, James Gang, Deep Purple, etc.).  It was recorded in June of 1976 and released a few months later in September.  Sadly, it was Bolin's final album as he overdosed on heroin at the very young age of 25 while promoting the album on tour opening for Jeff Beck.  Along with writing the album, Bolin provides all guitars and lead vocals.  He also plays keyboards and piano.  Joined by Bolin are the amazing talents of Reggie McBride (bass and backing vocals) Mark Stein of Vanilla Fudge fame (keyboards and backing vocals), Carmine Appice of Vanilla Fudge, Rod Stewart, Blue Murder, King Kobra, et. fame (drums on "Someday Will Bring Our Love Home"), Bobby Berge (percussion and drums), Bobbye Hall (percussion), Norma Jean Bell (percussion, female vocals, and saxophone), and Del Newman (string arrangements).   Incorporating, rock and roll, hard rock, jazz, soul, and funk, Bolin created a complex, yet very listenable album with lots of swing, lots of groove, and above all else... rockin' style!  Songs like "Bustin' Out for Rosey", "Post Toastee", "Shake The Devil",  "Someday Will Bring Our Love Home", and "You Told Me That You Loved Me" have a classic rockin' sound while "Sweet Burgundy", "Gypsy Soul", and "Hello, Again" could have been recorded by a Motown doo-wop soul band. 

The Summer Honey Ale from Big Sky Brewing Company is a light-bodied, light gold colored, easy drinking seasonal summer ale with lots of flavor.  It pours a cloudy light gold with a thin, bright white head that leaves only trace lacing.  The nose is characterized by earthy and sweet aromas.  There are scents of rich organic honey, nutmeg, malt, and freshly baked wheat bread.  Brewed with "a unique, balanced blend of spices, Northwest Hops, and Montana honey" the Summer Honey Ale's taste is both hearty and refreshing.  The honey notes are sweet yet subtle.  This is perfectly balanced with the hearty wheat notes and exotic spices.  It goes down easy with a clean, crisp finish.  The Summer Honey Ale has just the right heartiness, sweetness, and soul to help enhance your listening pleasure of Tommy Bolin's "Private Eyes"!

Cheers... rest in peace Mr. Bolin!!

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