Saturday, December 13, 2014

December 13th, 2014 - Forever Abominable Winter Metal

The onset of the winter season requires some brutal metal and a crisp winter ale in my estimation.  Therefore, your pal the Meista today is pairing an Abominable Winter Ale from Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB) outta Portland, Oregon that I enjoyed last night at the Beer Bar (here in SLC) and "Forever Abomination" by Ohio metal monsters, Skeletonwitch! 

Album Info:
  • Artist: Skeletonwitch
  • Title: "Forever Abomination"
  • Release date: October 7, 2011 (4th studio release by the band)
  • Record company: Prosthetic Records
  • Personnel: Dustin Boltjes - drums, Chance Garnette - vocals, Nate "Big Cat" Garnette - guitars, Scott "Scunty D." Hedrick - guitars, and Evan "Loosh" Linger - bass
  • Major themes/lyrical content: Despair, hell, destruction, loss, deception
  • Musical style: Black metal/thrash metal with a sprinkling of death metal for good measure; think Scandinavian black metal meets 1980s California thrash! 
  • Tracks:
  1. "This Horrifying Force (The Desire To Kill)"
  2. "Reduced To The Failure Of Prayer"
  3. "Of Ash And Torment"
  4. "Choke Upon Betrayal"
  5. "Erased And Forgotten"
  6. "The Infernal Resurrection"
  7. "Rejoice In Misery"
  8. "Cleaver Of Souls"
  9. "Shredding Sacred Flesh"
  10. "Sink Beneath Insanity"
  11. "My Skin Of Deceit"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Abominable Winter Ale
  • Style: American IPA/Winter IPA
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • Ingredients/brewing: Munich and Caramel malts, blended Northwestern hops; the ale is hopped in the kettle, hop-back, and fermenter
  • ABV: 7.3%
  • IBUs: 70
  • Pour: Very murky toffee brown-amber with a 1-finger off-white head that leaves wispy lacing
  • Nose: Citrusy and piney aromas blended with lighter sweet malt notes.  Aromas: Freshly squeezed grapefruit, pine resin, caramel, earthy and floral grasses
  • Taste: Toasty malts and citrusy/piney hops.  Flavors: juicy grapefruit and pine hop profile, toasted and caramel malts, some slight spice notes (clover and a touch of black pepper maybe garlic or onion?)   
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied, moderate carbonation, smooth, yet very crisp and a bit punchy
  • Finish: Hoppy and slightly dry
Overall:  The punchier, more bitter hop notes go great with the aggressiveness of "Forever Abomination" and the sweeter and maltier complexity goes great with the musical integrity of the mighty Skeletonwitch!

Cheers and hails!!

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