Hey there rockers and brew lovers! The Meista here today pairing "Fandango!" by ZZ Top and a Heyzeus Mexican Style Lager from Melvin Brewing Company!
Album Info:
- Artist: ZZ Top
- Title: "Fandango!"
- Recorded: Tracks 1 through 3 recorded live April 12th, 1974 and the rest of the album recorded in December 30th, 1974 through March 23rd, 1975
- Release date: April 18th, 1975 (4th album by ZZ Top)
- Record company: London Records
- Production: Bill Ham
- Album cover art: John DeKalb (photography) and Bill Narum (design)
- Personnel: Frank Beard (drums and percussion), Billy Gibbons (guitar and vocals), and Dusty Hill (bass guitar, keyboards, backing vocals, lead vocals on "Jailhouse Rock", "Balinese", and "Tush", and co-lead vocals on "Backdoor Medley" and "Heard It On the X"
- Musical style: Heavy blues rock, Texas blues, hard rock, southern rock, boogie rock
- Sound: One of the albums that defined the ZZ Top signature sound, "Fandango!" is a raucous and rowdy heavy blues romp with wonderful hooks, chunky guitars, and sweet and spicy Texas grooves! Think of it as Texas BBQ sauce as sonic rock and roll!
- Major themes: The blues, love, loss, lust, rock and roll, betrayal, life, relationships, etc.
- Tracks:
- "Thunderbird" (live)
- "Jailhouse Rock" (live)
- "Backdoor Medley" (live)
- "Nasty Dogs And Funky Kings"
- "Blue Jean Blues"
- "Balinese"
- "Mexican Blackbird"
- "Heard It On The X"
- "Tush"
Brew Info:
- Brewery: Melvin Brewing Company (Alpine, Wyoming)
- Website: https://melvinbrewing.com/
- Brew: Heyzeus Mexican Style Lager
- Style: American Pale Lager
- Serving: 12 ounce can
- ABV: 5.2%
- Ingredients: Mt. Hood hops, 2-Row malt, and corn
- Pour: The Heyzeus pours a cloudy straw-gold with a huge, billowy, and firm 2+ finger, bright white head with great retention and lots of sticky, intricate spider web lacing.
- Nose: The nose is very light and clean grains and floral/grassy hops. There are aromas of cereal grain, corn meal, sourdough bread, summer grass, a hint of honey, and wild flowers.
- Taste: The taste of the Heyzeus is grainy, hoppy, and slightly sweet. There are notes of grassy hops, cereal grain, cornbread, crackery biscuit, lime zest, and a touch of honey.
- Mouthfeel: Light-bodied and well-carbonated, the mouthfeel is very crisp and refreshing with a very clean, dry finish.
Overall pairing: Melvin's Heyzeus Mexican Style Lager is a light, very drinkable brew that goes great with the southern rock and roll stylings of the legendary ZZ Top! Nothing better than sopping up those tasty, sudsy, and crisp of the Heyzeus than with some "Fandango!" rockin' goodness!
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