Hello there headbangers and craft beer lovers! The Meista here today pairing "...And The Circus Leaves Town" by Kyuss and a Phototropic from TRVE Brewing Company, "Denver's true heavy metal brewery"!
Album Info:
- Artist: Kyuss
- Title: "...And The Circus Leaves Town"
- Recorded: March 1st through the 20th, 1995 at Sound City Studios in Van Nuys, California
- Release date: July 11th, 1995 (4th studio album by Kyuss)
- Record company: Elektra Records
- Production: Chris Goss and Kyuss
- Album cover art: Jill Jordan
- Personnel: Josh Garcia (lead vocals), Alfredo Hernandez (drums), Josh Homme (guitars), and Scott Reeder (bass)
- Musical style: Stoner rock/metal, experimental rock
- Sound: Tighter and a bit lighter than previous albums, and very straightforward, "...And The Circus Leaves Town" is chalk full of undulating grooves and heavy riffs and trippy harmonies.
- Major themes: Life, death, grief, drugs, music, the sea, the desert, etc.
- Tracks:
- "Hurricane"
- "One Inch Man"
- "Thee Ol' Boozeroony"
- "Gloria Lewis"
- "Phototropic"
- "El Rodeo"
- "Jumbo Blimp Jumbo"
- "Tangy Zizzle"
- "Size Queen"
- "Catamaran"
- "Spaceship Landing"
- "M'deea" (hidden track)
- "Day One" (hidden track)
Brew Info:
- Brewery: TRVE Brewing Company (Denver, Colorado) in collaboration with Finback
- Website: https://www.trvebrewing.com/
- Brew: Phototropic
- Style: American Wild Ale / Farmhouse / Belgian Golden Ale
- Serving: 12 ounce bottle
- ABV: 5.0%
- Ingredients: Mixed culture with prickly pear
- Pour: The Phototropic pours a clear golden-yellow with a 1-finger, billowy, bright white head that dissipates quickly and leaves virtually no lacing.
- Nose: The nose is citrusy, floral, funky, and earthy. There are aromas of lemon Greek yogurt, lime, grapefruit light vinegar, light crackery grain, wet horse blanket, leather, and desert flowers.
- Taste: The taste of the Phototropic is tangy, fruity, funky, and grainy. There are notes of lime juice and zest, lemon juice, grapefruit, vinegar, light grains, ginger, cactus juice, a hint of barnyard funk, and spicy black pepper.
- Mouthfeel: Light to medium in body and well carbonated, the Phototropic's mouthfeel is frothy, fizzy, crisp, and slightly tart, with a dry finish.
Overall pairing: The Phototropic from TRVE Brewing is a bright, fruity, and very crisp brew, which makes a great foil to the heavy stoner rock of Kyuss' "...And The Circus Leaves Town"! The beer is actually named for the song "Photorropic" on the album so I really didn't have to work to hard for thisone. :) 'Nuff said!
Cheers and hails!!
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