Friday, January 17, 2020

January 17th, 2020 - The Red Eyes Of Providence

Good afternoon and happy Friday metal heads and craft beer fanatics!  Your drinking buddy the Meista here definitely getting the weekend off to the right start with a pairing of  "Eye Of Providence" by kickass Canadian extreme metal band The Agonist and a brand new tasty beer from UTOG Brewing Company that was just released yesterday, the Red Eyes Imperial Red Ale!  Hell yes!!  Oh, this pairing goes out to friend of page Brett Walker!  Cheers buddy!

Album Info:
  • Artist: The Agonist
  • Title: "Eye Of Providence"
  • Recorded: 2014 at the Garage Studio in Montreal, Canada
  • Release date: February 23rd, 2015 (4th studio album by The Agonist)
  • Record company: Century Media Records
  • Production: Christian Donaldson
  • Album cover art: Deepti Suddul
  • Personnel: Pascal "Paco" Jobin (guitars), Chris Kells (bass), Danny Marino (guitars), Simon McKay (drums), and Vicky Psarakis (lead vocals)
  • Additional musicians: Gabriell Duceppe (samples on "Disconnect Me")
  • Musical style: Melodic death metal, metalcore with elements of thrash metal, symphonic metal, and hard rock
  • Sound: With the rather shocking departure of Alissa White-Gluz, The Agonist found and hired vocalist Vicky Psarakis... and what a find she was!  Combining intensely brutal screams with silky smooth clean vocals, Psarakis added another layer to the intricate and wonderfully creative sound the band is known for.  The guitar work of Paco and Marino soars, while Kells and McKay bring down a battle hammer crunch of rhythm!  
  • Major themes: Social injustice, greed, violence, war, aggression, anger, seeking truth, revenge, etc.
  • Tracks:   
  1. "Gates Of Horn And Ivory"
  2. "My Witness, Your Victim"
  3. "Danse Macabre"
  4. "I Endeavor"
  5. "Faceless Messenger"
  6. "Perpetual Notion"
  7. "A Necessary Evil"
  8. "Architects Hallucinate"
  9. "Disconnect Me"
  10. "The Perfect Embodiment"
  11. "A Gentle Disease"
  12. "Follow The Crossed Line"
  13. "As Above, So Below"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: UTOG Brewing Company (Ogden, Utah)
  • Brew:  Red Eyes Imperial Red Ale
  • Style: American Imperial Red Ale
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 8.5%
  • IBUs: 77
  • Ingredients: 2-Row, Vienna, Wheat, and Black malts with Chinook and Simcoe hops
  • Pour: The Red Eyes pours a clear, but very deep bronze-red with a frothy, light beige 1+ finger head with good retention and lots of intricate, sticky, and layered lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is characterized by malty, bready, earthy, citrusy, hoppy aromas.  There are aromas of freshly baked wheat bread, herbal tea, orange zest, lemon zest, soft caramel, and honey.
  • Taste: The taste of the Red Eyes follows the nose with malty, hoppy, herbal, citrusy, and slightly boozy flavors.  There are notes of freshly baked wheat bread, sweet caramel/toffee, orange peel, lemon zest, a hint of spiced rum, a hint of cherries, and clover honey.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied and moderately carbonated, the Red Eyes is thick, incredibly smooth, and rich with a dry, slightly boozy finish

Overall pairing: The UTOG Red Eyes Imperial Red Ale's intense, sweet, fruity, and bold flavors are perfect for the extreme metal insanity and artistic integrity of The Agonist's brutal and beautiful album "Eye Of Providence"!  Go buy this killer new beer right now!!  'Nuff said!

Cheers and hails!!

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