Hails and happy Saturday my metal friends! The Meista here today rocking the hell out with a pairing of a delicious El Norte Mexican Lager from the fine folks at Talisman Brewing Company and the killer "El Rostro De La Muerte" by thrashers Hirax! Hell yeah!
Album Info:
- Artist: Hirax
- Title: "El Rostro De La Muerte"
- Recorded: 2009 at Trench Studio in Corona, California
- Release date: November 16th, 2009 (4th full-length studio album by Hirax)
- Record company: Fast & Furious Records
- Production: Reinaldo Lopez
- Album cover art: Ed Repka
- Personnel: Katon W. De Pena (vocals), Lance Harrison (guitars), Steve Harrison (bass), Jorge Iacobellis (drums), and Glenn Rogers (guitars)
- Musical style: Thrash metal
- Sound: One of the most underrated thrash metal bands in my opinion, Hirax combines the speed of Slayer, the aggression of Testament, the energy of early Metallica, and the limitless passion of lead signer and founder Katon W. De Pena! The guitar work of Harrison and Rogers is fiery and fierce, Harrison's bass is a roar or cannons in a thunderstorm, and Iacobellis' drumming is machine gun fire all while Katon belts out a powerful vocal barrage! His vocals are as fresh, unique, and as intense as his work from 30+ years ago!!
- Major themes: violence, aggression, death, destruction, war, evil, darkness, etc.
- Tracks:
- "Baptized By Fire"
- "Flesh And Blood"
- "Eradicate Mankind"
- "Chaos And Brutality"
- "El Rostro De La Muerte (The Face Of Death)"
- "Blind Faith"
- "Horrified"
- "Battle Of The North"
- "The Laws Of Temptation"
- "Death Militia"
- "Broken Neck"
- "Violent Assault"
- "Cuando Cae La Oscuridad (When Darkness Falls)"
- "Satan's Fall"
Brew Info:
- Brewery: Talisman Brewing Company (Ogden, Utah)
- Website: /https://www.talismanbrewingco.com/
- Brew: El Norte
- Style: Mexican-style Lager
- Serving: 25 ounce bottle
- ABV: 5.0%
- IBUs: 15
- Pour: The El Norte pours a bright, clear golden-yellow with a frothy, eggshell white, 1-finger head with good retention and soapy lacing.
- Nose: The nose is grainy, malty, citrusy, and slightly sweet. There are aromas of sweet cereal grains, lightly toasted malts, corn tortilla chips, lime zest, light corn, and light caramel.
- Taste: Much like the nose, the taste of El Norte is grainy, malty, and zesty with some more mild sweet flavors. There are notes of flaked corn tortilla, pale malts, cereal, lime zest and juice, very light caramel, and hints of white pepper in the finish.
- Mouthfeel: Light to medium-bodied with good carbonation, the mouthfeel is very crisp and refreshing, yet very smooth with a dry, clean finish.
Overall pairing: The very drinkable and crushable flavors of Talisman's tasty El Norte are perfect for an evening of neck wrecking to the undeniably intense metal onslaught of Hirax and their brutal album "El Rostro De La Muerte"! 'Nuff said!
Happy thrashin'! Happy drinkin'! Cheers!
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