Hey there evil-doers and craft beer fans! Happy Friday! The Meista here today getting the weekend off to the right start with a pairing of a crisp and delicious Miss Defy Kölsch from Melvin Brewing Company and the wonderfully aggressive and powerful "Defiled In Oblivion" by death metal band Castrator! Hell yeah!
Album Info:
- Artist: Castrator
- Title: "Defiled In Oblivion"
- Recorded: 2022 at Full Force Studio
- Release date: July 22nd, 2022 (1st full-length studio album by Castrator)
- Record company: Dark Descent Records
- Production: Castrator
- Album cover art: Jon Zig
- Personnel: Clarissa Badini (vocals), Robin Mazen (bass), Kimberly Orellana (guitars), and Carolina Perez (drums)
- Guest musicians: Kenny Andrews (guitars), Daniel Gonzalez (guitars), and Moyses Kolesne (guitars)
- Musical style: Death metal with elements of thrash
- Sound: Combining old school, East coast style death metal with a more technical and modern sound, and elements of thrash, the sound on "Defiled In Oblivion" is powerfully aggressive, unapologetic in-your-face, yet richly textured and melodic!
- Major themes: Horror, death, violence, evil, darkness, judgement, feminism, rebellion, etc.
- Tracks:
- "Dawa Of Yousafzai"
- "Tormented By Atrocities"
- "Befoul My Existence"
- "Inquisition Sins"
- "Voices Of Evirato"
- "Forsaken And Deprived"
- "Sinister Mind"
- "Purge The Rotten (Ones)"
- "Tyrant's Verdict"
- "Countess Bathory" (Venom cover)
Brew Info:
- Brewery: Melvin Brewing Company (Alpine, Wyoming)
- Website: http://www.melvinbrewing.com/
- Brew: Miss Defy Kölsch
- Style: German-style Kölsch
- Serving: 12 ounce can
- ABV: 5.0%
- Ingredients: Hallertau Mittelfruh hops
- Pour: The Miss Defy pours a clear, golden yellow with a frothy, bright white, 1-finger head with great retention and lots of sticky, intricate lacing.
- Nose: The nose is grainy, floral, slightly fruity, and malty. There are aromas of pale grains, jasmine, toasted sourdough bread, light lemon zest, hints of apple, grassy hops, and honey.
- Taste: The taste of the Miss Defy follows the nose with lot of grainy, malty, light fruit flavors. There are notes of sourdough bread, crackery biscuit, light apple, jasmine tea, lemon zest, and light honey.
- Mouthfeel: Light to medium-bodied and well carbonated, the mouthfeel is very crisp, with a dry, clean finish.
- Notes from Melvin's website: "Every March, the women of Melvin Brewing get together to brew a beer in celebration of International Women’s Day. The 2021 batch was so impressive we just had to revisit it for Melvin drinkers everywhere!"
Cheers and hails!!
And if you haven't done so already, check out my interview with Castrator guitarist Kimberly Orellana here: https://youtu.be/O6DLMdydHjk
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