Friday, August 18, 2023

August 18th, 2023 - Live Snakes [And Arrows]... Asleep In The Grass!


Hello and happy Friday rockers, rollers, and hopheads!  Your drinkin' buddy the Meista here today getting the weekend off to the right start with a pairing from one of my favorite bands and a brew from one of my favorite breweries... Rush's fantastic "Snakes & Arrows Live" album and a hoppy and delicious Asleep In The Grass Pale Ale from my pals at Fisher Brewing Company!!  Hell yes!!

Album Info:

  • Artist: Rush
  • Title: "Snakes & Arrows Live"
  • Recorded: October 16th and 17th, 2007 at Rotterdam Ahoy in Rotterdam, The Netherland
    Release date: April 4th, 2008 (8th live album by Rush)
  • Record company: Anthem
  • Production: Rush and Pegi Cecconi
  • Album cover art: Hugh Syme
  • Personnel: Geddy Lee (bass guitars, synthesizers, and lead vocals), Alex Lifeson (electric and acoustic guitars, bass pedal synth, and backing vocals), and Neil Peart (drums and percussion)
  • Musical style: Progressive rock, hard rock
  • Sound: Wow... how do you describe the Rush live sound??  Seriously?  It is wholly its own thing... compelling, assertive, wonderfully complex, and engaging!  In a word... BRILLIANT!!
  • Major themes: Life, death, introspection, society, culture, knowledge, isolation, community, music, relationships, etc. 
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Limelight"
  2. "Digital Man"
  3. "Entre Nous"
  4. "Mission"
  5. "Freewill"
  6. "The Main Monkey Business"
  7. "The Larger Bowl"
  8. "Secret Touch"
  9. "Circumstances"
  10. "Between The Wheels"
  11. "Dreamline"
  12. "Far Cry"
  13. "Workin' Them Angels"
  14. "Armor And Sword"
  15. "Spindrift"
  16. "The Way The Wind Blows"
  17. "Subdivisions"
  18. "Natural Science"
  19. "Witch Hunt"
  20. "Malignant Narcissism / De Slagwerker"
  21. "Hope"
  22. "Distant Early Warning"
  23. "The Spirit Of Radio"
  24. "Tom Sawyer"
  25. "One Little Victory"
  26. "A Passage To Bangkok"
  27. "YYZ"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: Fisher Brewing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Asleep In The Grass Pale Ale
  • Style: American Pale Ale (APA)
  • Serving: 32 ounce crowler can
  • ABV: 5.0%
  • IBUs: 30
  • Ingredients: Cashmere hops
  • Pour: The Asleep In The Grass Pale Ale pours a fairly clear, golden amber with a billowy and creamy, off-white, 1+ finger head with great sustain and lots of sudsy, sticky, and layered lacing.
  • Nose: Fruit forward, the nose is characterized by grassy, citrusy, tropical, floral, and herbal hops, and more subtle sweeter malts.  There are aromas of tangerine, orange zest, mango, pineapple, summer grass, freshly cut hay, wildflowers, doughy bread, and soft sweet caramel.
  • Taste: The taste of the Asleep In The Grass Pale Ale follows the nose with lots of grassy, citrusy, earthy, and herbal flavors along with more subtle sweet malts.  There are notes of light grapefruit juice, tangerine, orange juice, mango, grassy hops, crackery biscuit, a hint of pine, herbal tea, and soft caramel/toffee.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is crisp and juicy with a dry, slightly bitter finish.

Overall pairing: The complex, hoppy, yet very drinkable flavors of Fisher's Asleep In The Grass Pale Ale make for a nice companion to the brilliant musicality that is "Snakes & Arrows Live" by the immortal Rush!   'Nuff said!


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