Friday, October 4, 2024

October 4th, 2024 - Expect No Mercy From Clan Logan


Hello and happy Friday rockers, rollers, and craft beer lovers!  The Meista here today pairing a bold and delicious Clan Logan Wee Heavy from Gossorino Brewing and "Expect No Mercy", the killer 9th album from Scottish hard rock outfit Nazareth!  Hells yeah!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Nazareth’s
  • Title: "Expect No Mercy"
  • Recorded: 1977 at Le Studio in Morin Heights, Quebec, Canada
  • Release date: November 1977 (9th studio album by Nazareth)
  • Record company: A&M Records
  • Production: Manny Charlton
  • Album cover art: Frank Franzetta
  • Personnel: Pete Agnew (bass guitar and guitars), Manny Charlton (guitars), Dan McCafferty (lead vocals), and Darrell Sweet (drums)
  • Musical style: Hard rock with elements of heavy blues rock, Southern rock, and heavy metal
  • Sound: With churning bass lines, thunderous drums, fiery guitars, and fierce vocals, "Expect No Mercy" saw Nazareth return to the heavier sound that had been missing since "Hair Of The Dog"! 
  • Major themes: Revenge, anger, aggression, life's cruelties, dominance, sorrow, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Expect No Mercy"
  2. "Gone Dead Train"
  3. "Shot Me Down"
  4. "Revenge Is Sweet"
  5. "Gimme What's Mine"
  6. "Kentucky Fried Blues"
  7. "New York Broken Toy"
  8. "Busted"
  9. "Place In Your Heart"
  10. "All The King's Horses"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Gossorino Brewing (Ogden, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Clan Logan
  • Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
  • Serving: 22 ounce bottle
  • ABV: 9.8%
  • IBUs: 24
  • Ingredients: Golden Promise, Caramel 60, Roasted Barley, Belgian Biscuit, Crystal 75, and Acid malts, and hopped with Challenger and EKG hops then fermented with Imperial Tartan
  • Pour: The Clan Logan pours a deep, dark mahogany brown hue with a thin, off-white head with good retention and light lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is malty, bready, sweet and boozy.  There are aromas of dark toasted bread, roasted malts, oak, a hint of smokiness, rich bourbon, and burnt toffee.
  • Taste: The taste of the Clans Logan follows the nose with big notes of sweet caramel / toffee, and rich bourbon or rum.
  • Mouthfeel: Full-bodied and moderately carbonated, the mouthfeel of the Clan Logan is thick, yet crisp with a slightly sweet and boozy finish.

Overall pairing: The heavy-duty, rich and boozy flavors of Gossorino's Clan Logan Wee Heavy make for a great companion to the aggressive, in-your-face, hard rockin' goodness of Nazareth's wonderful "Expect No Mercy"!

Cheers!!  And hails to Nazareth!!

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