Guten abend evil-doers! Let's all do some heavy duty headbangin' with Satan's Host's debut album "Metal From Hell" and a crisp and refreshing Marie Hausbrendel Hell from Schwarzbräu GmbH! Hells yeah!
Album Info:
- Artist: Satan's Host
- Title: "Metal From Hell"
- Recorded: 1985 at Avalanche Studios
- Release date: March 1986 (1st full-length studio album by Satan's Host)
- Record company: Web Records / Moribund Records
- Production: Dave Otero and Old Goat
- Album cover art: Joe Petagno
- Personnel: Harry "The Tyrant" Conklin, aka Leviathan Thisiren (vocals), Patrick Elkins aka Satan Patrick Evil (guitars), Rob Evans aka D. Lucifer Stele (drums), and Belial John Phantom (bass)
- Musical style: Power metal with elements of black metal, doom metal, and thrash metal
- Sound: Incredibly heavy, the sound on "Metal From Hell" is everything a metal album should be! It is aggressive, powerful, bombastic, evil, and fiery! I cannot say enough about how badass this band is... Conklin's vocals soar (as always) as well as growl and bite, Patrick Evil's guitar work is mind-blowing, Margar's bass is Ash's "boom stick" incarnate, and the Evil Hobbit's drumming is both machine gun fire intensity and a thunderous juggernaut! And if you get a chance to see this band live, DO SO!! You will not be sorry! I highly recommend this wonderful and underrated band!!
- Major themes: Evil, darkness, the occult, Satan, damnation, death, destruction, rebellion, etc.
- Tracks:
- "Prelude: Flaming Host"
- "Black Stelé"
- "Into The Veil"
- "Metal From Hell"
- "King Of Terror"
- "Strongest Of The Night"
- "Standing At Death's Door"
- "Hell Fire"
- "Souls In Exile"
Brew Info:
- Brewery: Schwarzbräu GmbH (Zusmarshausen, Germany)
- Website:
- Brew: Marie Hausbrendel Hell
- Style: Helles / Bavarian Lager
- Serving: 16 ounce can
- ABV: 4.8%
- Pour: The Marie Hausbrendel Hell pours a clear, bright, golden-yellow with lots of effervescent bubbles and a bright white, half-finger, frothy head that dissipates into a nice ring with light lacing.
- Nose: The nose is nice blend of fruity, floral, lightly hoppy, and bready aromas. There are aromas of freshly baked wheat bread, wildflowers, pear, apple, summer grass, a hint of lemon zest, and a hint of honey.
- Taste: Lots of nice flavors going on here. Like the nose, there are notes of bready dough, grassy hops, apple juice, pear, a hint of banana, light lemon zest, and a touch of honey.
- Mouthfeel: Light-bodied and well-carbonated, the mouthfeel is crisp, refreshing, and slightly sweet with very low bitterness and a clean, dry finish.
Overall pairing: I think the Schwarzbräu Marie Hausbrendel Hell is the perfect brew to throw back while listening to the bold and aggressive heavy metal beast that is Satan's Host! Those light, bready, and fruity flavors make for a great foil to the darker lyrical subject matter and the intense wails of Conklin, while the very crisp body is great for the fiery guitar licks of Satan Patrick Evil!
Make sure to check out my 2023 interview with vocalist Harry Conklin here:
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