Hello and hails metal maniacs and hop freaks! Your drinking buddy the Meista here today rocking the hell out with a favorites of mine... "Wild Cat", the debut album by NWOBHM monsters Tygers Of Pan Tang and juicy Spirit Animal from Mother Earth Brewing Company! Hell yeah!
Album Info:
- Artist: Tygers Of Pan Tang
- Title: "Wild Cat"
- Recorded: 1980 at Morgan Studios in Willesden, North London, England
- Release date: August 23rd, 1980 (1st studio album by Tygers Of Pan Tang)
- Record company: MCA Records
- Production: Chris Tsangarides
- Album cover art: Cream
- Personnel: Jess Cox (vocals), Brian "Big" Dick (drums and gong), Richard "Rocky" Laws (bass and backing vocals), and "Tyger" Robb Weir (guitars and backing vocals)
- Musical style: Heavy metal, hard rock
- Sound: Fast, fiery, and powerful, the mighty Tygers Of Pan Tang encapsulated the sound of the NWOBHM early 1980s sound, but with a punch and intensity that is timeless! The band is tight, and it is very evident through their playing that their having a helluva good time! The guitar work of Tyger Robb alone is worth every penny!
- Major themes: Aging, murder, rebellion, freedom, death, life, speed, desire, etc.
- Tracks:
- "Euthanasia"
- "Slave To Freedom"
- "Don't Touch Me There"
- "Money"
- "Killers"
- "Fireclown"
- "Wild Catz"
- "Suzie Smiled"
- "Badger Badger"
- "Insanity"
Brew Info:
- Brewery: Mother Earth Brew Company (Vista, California)
- Website: http://motherearthbrewco.com/
- Brew: Spirit Animal Hazy IPA
- Style: New England India Pale Ale (NEIPA)
- Serving: 16 ounce can
- ABV: 7.2%
- IBUs: 50
- Ingredients: Idaho 7, Nectaron, Simcoe, and Citra hops
- Pour: The Spirit Animal Hazy IPA pours a hazy, bright golden orange/yellow hue with a thin, off-white head with and light lacing.
- Nose: Fruit forward, the nose is tropical, citrusy, floral, and malty. It is chalk full of notes of grapefruit rind, tangerine, orange zest, stone fruit (peach and apricot), passionfruit, pineapple, mango, a hint of coconut, light pine resin, cracked wheat, soft caramel malt, and a hint of booze.
- Taste: The taste of the Spirit Animal Hazy IPA follows the nose with floral and dank hops, citrus, tropical fruit, and sweet malt flavors. There are big notes of mango, passionfruit, grapefruit juice, orange juice and zest, tangerine, pineapple, peach, apricot, strawberry, coconut, light pine, and a little booze with a strong, malty backbone.
- Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel of the Spirit Animal Hazy IPA is crisp and juicy, yet somewhat thick, with a soft, creamy, and smooth finish.
Overall pairing: The crisp, hoppy, juicy, well-balanced and very drinkable flavors of Mother Earth's Spirit Animal make it a great beer for the power, might, and intensity of Tygers Of Pan Tang! The crispness of the brew is great for the dual guitar precision of Weir, while the malty and citrusy notes work really well with the powerful rhythm section of Rocky and Big Dick, and it is all tied together beautifully by Cox's amazing vocal prowess!
Cheers!! Hails!!
Oh, and check out the email interview I did with Tygers Of Pan Tang guitarist and founding member Robb Weir waaaaay back in 2014: http://brewsandtunes.blogspot.com/2014/02/february-16th-2014-tyger-tyger-burning.html!
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