Sunday, March 23, 2025

March 23rd, 2025 - Monta Lou's Krush on Crunch!

Hello and happy Sunday rockers, rollers, and hop lovers!  The Meista here today with a pairing of a tasty and hoppy Monta Lou's Krush Pale Ale from my friends at Fisher Brewing Company and "Crunch", the 6th studio album by the mighty Impellitteri!  Hells yeah!

Album Info:

  • Artist: Impellitteri
  • Title: "Crunch"
  • Recorded: 1999 at IMPELLITTERI Studios, Sound Castle Studios, and Rumbo Studios in Los Angeles, California
  • Release date: January 21st, 2000 (6th full-length studio album by Impelliterri)
  • Record company: Victor Entertainment, Inc.
  • Production: Impellitteri
  • Album cover art: Mez
  • Personnel: Chris Impellitteri (guitars), James Amelio Pulli (bass), Rob Rock (lead vocals), Edward Harris Roth (keyboards), and Glen Sobel (drums)
  • Musical style: Heavy metal, power metal with elements of speed metal and hard rock,
  • Sound: Characterized by Chris Impellitteri's shredding acrobatics and Rob Rock's powerful vocals, the sound on "Crunch" blends straightforward, traditional heavy metal with speed metal, neo-classical metal and hard rock.  The whole band is wonderfully tight and on top of their game, but what really shines is the onslaught of killer riffage! 
  • Major themes: Good vs. evil, the passage of time, speed, racing, power, life, society, hope, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Beware Of The Devil"
  2. "Turn Of The Century"
  3. "Speed Demon"
  4. "Wake Me Up"
  5. "Spanish Fire"
  6. "Slay The Dragon"
  7. "Wasted Earth"
  8. "Forever Yours"
  9. "Texas Nuclear Boogie"
  10. "Fear No Evil"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: Fisher Brewing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Monta Lou's Krush
  • Style: West Coast Style American Pale Ale (APA)
  • Serving: 32 ounce crowler can
  • ABV: 5.0%
  • IBUs: 30
  • Ingredients: Zappa and Krush hops; "Monta Lou's Krush is the latest beer to utilize the hop Zappa and was created in the image of The Large Quiet Man, which was begat by Francine, daughter of Frank, son of the Matador. It is a fruity, citrusy mix of aromas on a mildly malty West Coast-style."
  • Pour: The Monta Lou's Krush pours a fairly clear, bronze-amber hue with a billowy and frothy, eggshell white, 2+ finger head with great retention and lots of sudsy, sticky, and layered lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is characterized by dank, citrusy, floral, earthy, and herbal hops, and more subtle sweeter malts.  There are aromas of grapefruit rind, tangerine, herbal tea, wet pine needles, wildflowers, light onion, doughy bread, toasted malts, and soft, sweet caramel/toffee.
  • Taste: The taste of the Monta Lou's Krush is citrusy, earthy, and herbal along with crackery maltiness.  There are notes of grapefruit juice and rind, orange pith, pine resin, black tea, crackery biscuit, and very soft caramel/toffee.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is crisp, slightly bitter, yet smooth with a dry, bitter finish

Overall pairing: The inviting, yet punchy hoppy flavors and aromas of the delicious and very crushable Monta Lou's Krush from Fisher Brewing Company is great for a cranked up "Crunch" listening session!  Those complex hop flavors wonderfully well with the complexity and musicianship of Impellitteri and their fiery fast rockers!  'Nuff said!

Make sure to check out my interview with Chris Impelliterri and Rob Rock from a couple years ago here:

Cheers and hails my friends... rock on!!

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