Monday, March 3, 2025

March 3rd, 2025 - Rome Wasn't Built in a Day, So You Might as Well Crack Open a Vitruvian Pils


Hey there rockers, rollers, headbangers, and hopheads!  Happy Monday!  Your drinkin' pal the Meista here today pairing a crisp and delicious Vitruvian Pils from Bewilder Brewing Company and "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day", the 5th studio album by the mighty Babylon A.D.!  Hell yeah!

Album Info: 

  • Artist: Babylon A.D.
  • Title: "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day"
  • Recorded: 2024 at the BADMOFO's Recording Studio in Pleasanton, California and 25th Studio in Oakland, California
  • Original release date: 2024 (5th studio album by Babylon A.D.)
  • Record company: Apocalypse Records via Perris Records 
  • Production: Derek Davis
  • Album cover art: Derek Davis
  • Personnel: Derek Davis (lead vocals, guitars, and keyboards), Ron Freschi (guitars and backing vocals), John Matthews (guitars and backing vocals), Craig Pepe (bass and backing vocals), and Dylan Soto (drums and percussion)
  • Additional musician: Lane Borchard (backing vocals on "I Will Never Break Again")
  • Musical style: Hard rock, heavy metal
  • Sound: Hard hitting, wonderfully melodic, and a little trashy, the sound on Babylon A.D.'s "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day" album is a perfect combination of classic hard rock with a healthy dose of classic metal!
  • Major themes: Rebellion, aggression, love, relationships, heartbreak, self-reliance, etc. 
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Wrecking Machine"
  2. "Pain"
  3. "Sometimes Love Is Hell"
  4. "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day"
  5. "Looking For A Heartbeat"
  6. "I Will Never Break Again"
  7. "White Hot Bullet"
  8. "Crashed Into The Sun"
  9. "Face Of GOD"
  10. "Shut Up"
  11. "Super Beast"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: Bewilder Brewing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah) in collaboration with The Leonardo Museum of Creativity and Innovation
  • Website:
  • Brew: Vitruvian Pils 
  • Style: Franco / Italian Pilsner
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 5.0%
  • IBUs: 25 
  • Ingredients: Noble hops and Pilsner malt
  • Pour: The Vitruvian pours a clear, bright yellow hue with a half finger, off-white, frothy head with that slowly dissipates to a thin ring.
  • Nose: The nose is malty, bready, floral, and slightly sweet.  There are aromas of grassy and spicy hops, wildflowers, barley, toasted bread, light toffee, and crackery biscuit.
  • Taste: Following the nose, the taste of the Vitruvian is a well-balanced blend of grassy hops and slightly sweet malts.  There are notes of crackery biscuit, light barley, toasted bread, herbal tea, light pine resin, grassy hops, and soft caramel/toffee.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied and moderately carbonated, the mouthfeel is crisp and smooth with a dry, slightly bitter finish. 

Overall pairing: The Vitruvian Pils from Bewilder Brewing Company is very crisp and crushable brew... perfect for the hard rockin', heavy punch of Babylon A.D.'s kickass "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day" album!  'Nuff Said! 

Make sure to check out my interview with Babylon A.D. lead vocalist Derek Davis here: 

Cheers!!  Rock on!!

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