Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25th, 2012 - Days of Purgatory's Keep or Enter the Realm of Beer!

In honor of last night's festivities (finally seeing Iced Earth live!!), today I am pairing the brilliant Iced Earth's 1997 album, "Days of Purgatory" and Squatter's Hell's Keep!

Squatter's Hell's Keep (from the "Devil's private stash") is a BIG, Belgian-style golden ale coming in at 7.75% alcohol in a 22 ounce bottle.  It pours a light, golden amber with a 1-2 finger, frothy head that keeps its integrity with strong lacing.  The nose is aromatic with notes of ripe fruit and exotic spices.  This is a bold and flavorful ale.  Effervescent and sharp, the mouthfeel is fuzzy and full-bodied.  Complex notes of banana, citrus, and mellow spice dance on your tongue, yet it is very refreshing.  Hell's Keep is full-flavored ale an as the label states, it is "devilishly delicious"!

With such a big beer, I needed an equally big album!  In 1997 Iced Earth decided to remaster and re-record early demos and tracks from their first two albums with then singer, Matthew Barlow.  The result was a 2-disc, "devilishly delicious" masterpiece titled "Days of Purgatory" (referring to the original name of the band as well as to the struggles they had faced up to that point as a power-metal group.)  With songs like "Angels Holocaust," the classic, "Pure Evil," "Burnt Offerings," "Nightmares," and the epic, 16+ minute "Dante's Inferno," "Days of Purgatory" definitely seems the fitting companion to Hell's Keep! Soaring dual guitars, explosive staccato and pounding and stampeding rhythm with a full range of power in voice, this album is perfect for enjoying a full-bodied ale. There are also some really beautiful moments on the album that work well with the smooth and unique flavors of the ale.  "Enter the Realm," "Solitude," and "Reaching the End" along with "Travel in Stygian" embody the beauty and power of this band and this beer!  And speaking of "devilishly delicious," check out that album cover art!!  :)

So raise those glasses (and horns) high my metal brethren with Hell's Keep and "Days of Purgatory"!!  \m/  \m/

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