Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 8th, 2013 - "Exhibit B[eer]: The Human [Consumption] Condition"

"Man and his affinity for bloodshed, ignorance, and all-around ability to be led like sheep to the slaughter." - Gary Holt.  Holt and Lee Altus wield chainsaws, machine guns, and jackhammers with precision and intensity, offering no remorse or quarter.  Jack Gibson and Tom Hunting live in a world of galloping hooves, booming cannons, and thunder storms.  Meanwhile, Rob Duke spits blood, gravel, and broken glass - an insane preacher espousing diatribes of the dead, the dying, and their executioners.  The decades old screams of Nanking echo through your ears.  Lake and Ng prowl the streets again.  Hollywood ignites into a riotous blaze fed by hypocrisy and mind-numbing stupidity.  The Christian Right lead "queers", "sluts", "Socialists", and your First Amendment rights to the altar like docile lambs.  Governments fall.  Bodies, riddled with bullets line the streets, the school rooms, and suburban homes.  Streets run red.  Or is it just that your eardrums are bleeding?  Your senses shocked into acknowledgement of the bloody past by a song?  Is it possible to be sucker punched by a guitar chord?  Is it possible to be mind-raped by a lyric?  Is it possible to be kicked against a wall by the fury of a drum beat and a bass line?  And yet... and yet... and yet... there are fleeting shimmers of hope intertwined in the strings of Holt's acoustic guitar.  But this is only a glimpse of hope... overpowered by desolation and the unapologetic onslaught and truth of Exodus!  Like John Lydon once said, "Anger is an energy."

Pyramid Discord Dark IPA.  Pyramid: ancient tomb designed to hold sarcophagi.  Discord: disagreement or strife between people; inharmonious combination of sounds.  Dark IPA: a hybrid ale combining the dark roasted and malty elements of a Schwartbier or a porter with the hoppy, sharp, and bitter elements of an India Pale Ale.  Color: black as death with a frothy mocha head displaying wonderfully strong lacing.  Aroma: floral, piney, and malty with subtle notes of chocolate and biscuit.  Taste: a perfect balance of roasted sweet maltiness and burnt toffee along with hoppy IPA bitterness.  Mouthfeel: sharp, medium-bodied, moderate carbonation, but with bite.  Finish: smooth like a porter, but with a bitter slap to the back of the tongue. 

This pairing is brought to you by exhibit B and the number 6-6-6. 
-the Meista

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