Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 8th, 2013 - A Red Tailed Pagan

Now this is drinking music!  I'm listening to "Heathenreel" by Italian folk/power metal band, Elvenking and throwing back a Red Tail Al tonight. 

With the goal of fusing power metal and folk music and drawing inspiration and influence from black and death metal, European power metal, gypsy folk music, minstrel music from the Middle Ages, hard rock, pop, Indie, progressive rock, and classical music, Elvenking's sound is completely eclectic and engrossing. Lyrically speaking, their songwriting revolves around pagan and mythical themes.  Released in 2001, "Heathenreel" is Elvenking's debut album featuring Damnagoras on vocals, Jarpen on guitars and death growls and backing vocals, Aydan on guitars and backing vocals, Gorlan on bass, and Zender on drums.  Guest musicians include Pauline Tacey (soprano female vocals), Laura De Luca (backing female vocals), Umberto Corazza (flutes), and Paolo Polesel (fiddles).  Multi-instrumental and multi-layered, songs like "Pagan Purity," "The Dweller Of Rhymes," "The Regality Dance," "White Willow," "Oakenshield," "Hobs N' Feathers," "Conjuring Of The 14th," "A Dreadful Strain," and "Seasonspeech" are characterized by soaring guitars, interesting tempo changes, spirited harmonies, and great hooks!

The Red Tail Ale from Mendocino Brewing Company is an American Amber brewed in the traditional "old world" style using premium two-row malted barley, hops, and specialty yeast.   I think it is that "old world," classic simplicity of this ale that drew me to this pairing.  They both seemed to cry out for one another.  The Red Tail Ale pours a cloudy, light copper amber and displays a white, half-finger head.  The nose is malty and sweet with notes of freshly baked bread, caramel, and a hint of citrus.  Incredibly well-balanced, the flavor is characterized by caramel malts, barley, and spicy hops along with subtle citrus.  There are notes of toasted bread, bitter hops, and lemon.  Light to medium bodied, the mouthfeel is crisp with some sharper tingles on the tongue from the carbonation.  Very drinkable and refreshing, the Red Tail Ale leaves you with a crisp dry finish. 

Learn more about Elvenking at and check out the Mendocino Brewing Company at!


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