Hello and welcome! This silly blog is an experiment in my own vanity in terms of my opinions on craft beer and music and various pairings (much like you would do with food). I definitely want to express that I am no expert in terms of brewing or in musical composition. This is merely opinion, my opinion (sometimes clouded by consumption) with regards to enjoyable beers and music. Cheers! (Check us out on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brews-and-Tunes/349546661726318?ref=hl)
Saturday, November 23, 2013
November 23rd, 2013 - Lions And Tygers And Beers... Oh My!
Evening my friends! How about that title? Yes, I am a big dork. :) The Meista here tonight pairing a Lev Gold Lion Pale Double Bock from Měšťanský Pivovar Havlíčkův Brod, A.S. with the "Best Of Tygers Of Pan Tang: On The Prowl"! Hells yeah!!
A hugely influential metal band, Tygers Of Pan Tang was one of the more prevalent and talented NWOBHM bands to emerge in the late 1970s/early 1980s. Like Diamond Head, they never really reached their full potential or received the fame they absolutely deserved. However, I love this band.. this is the band that launched the exceptionally talented John Sykes (Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake, Blue Murder, Sykes) after all! Although the band has broken up and reformed several times over the years, the "Best Of Tygers Of Pan Tang: On The Prowl" examines the early work of the band during their first four albums (1980's "Wild Cat," 1981's "Spellbound," 1981's "Crazy Nights," and 1982's "The Cage"), which is their best work in my opinion. Characterized by the blistering fast guitar work of Robb Weir and Sykes, the thunderous drumming of Brian Dick, the galloping hooves-like bass work of Richard "Rocky" Laws, and the powerful vocal display of Jess Cox (1978–1981) and then later John Deverill, Tygers Of Pan Tang is an utter joy to listen to with a frosty brew in hand! Songs like "Don't Touch Me There," "Slave To Freedom," "Suzie Smiled," "Insanity" (my favorite... shit, just listen to that solo tapping work!), "Hellbound," "Silver And Gold," "Don't Stop Me," "Make A Stand," "Lonely At The Top," and "Danger In Paradise" are wonderful, underappreciated gems of almost unparalleled depth and execution. Although probably not a household name, Tygers Of Pan Tang most definitely and profoundly helped define the NWOBHM that is so very influential in all metal genres today. (By the way, the band's name comes from the pets of some crazy-ass wizards in the Elric of Melniboné books by fantasy/sci-fi author Michael Moorcock.)
For the head-banging goodness of Tygers Of Pan Tang, you need a pint of some easy drinking lager! A traditional Czech beer, the Lev Golden Lion Pale Double Bock from Měšťanský Pivovar Havlíčkův Brod, A.S. pours a clear straw-gold with a frothy, sustained, white head that displays decent lacing with good retention. The nose is somewhat sweet and malty balanced with some nice grassy hops. There are notes of corn, wheat, and floral hops with just a hint of toffee and apple. Light bodied and crisp, the mouthfeel is fairly mellow and slightly creamy, but also dry. The favor is quite malty like most Euro Pale Lagers, but with some nice hoppiness in the finish. Lev Golden Lion Pale Double Bock goes down easy and finishes clean with a nice, sharp hoppy Tyger bite!
If you are a fan of early Iron Maiden, early Judas Priest, early Def Leppard, Diamond Head, and great fist-pumping, kick-ass metal in general, do yourself a HUGE favor and find some Tygers Of Pan Tang!! You won't be sorry! Check them out at http://www.tygersofpantang.com/official/!!
Na zdraví!!
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