Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21st, 2014 - A Spiral Jetty Architect Brew

Evenin' friends!  The Meista here with one more pairing tonight (against my better judgment and sobriety)... how about some "A Sceptic's Universe" by extreme progressive metal band Spiral Architect and a Spiral Jetty India Pale Ale from Epic Brewing Company?  Why yes, I think I shall!  Oh, and this crazy pairing goes out to my Prog Power buddy, Jeff... cheers my friend!!

Released way back in January 18, 2000, the insanely intricate, insanely progressive, insanely cerebral "A Sceptic's Universe" is the debut album by Norwegian progressive metal band Spiral Architect.   At the time of the release, the band was made up of Øyvind Hægeland (lead vocals and keyboards), Steinar Gundersen (lead, rhythm, and acoustic guitars), Kaj Gornitzka (rhythm guitars), Lars K. Norberg (bass and programming), and Asgeir Mickelson (drums and percussion).  There is a certain amount of chaotic beauty to this album... think King Crimson meets Porcupine Tree meets Dream Theater meets The Mars Volta meets Steve Vai.   Songs like "Spinning", "Occam's Razor", "Insect", "Cloud Constructor", "Conjuring Collapse", and "Fountainhead" immediately grab your full attention with their artistic and truly chaotic integrity.  This is NOT background music.  "A Sceptic's Universe" pushes down into a chair, slaps you across the face, kisses your lips, and demands that you listen!  I've used (overused and misused) the term epic many times, but Spiral Architect's  "A Sceptic's Universe" definitely fits the bill!  It is some of the most overwhelming and intense music I have ever heard!

And speaking of epic... let's talk beer.  Let's talk Epic Brewing Company beer!  Let's talk IPA!  Let's talk Spiral Jetty!  Named for the brilliant 1970, Robert Smithson abstract geo-sculpture, the Spiral Jetty IPA is a fitting ale for the likes of "A Sceptic's Universe".  It has depth, complexity, wonderful flavor, and bite!  The strongest of Epic's Classic Series ales, the Spiral Jetty is punchy brew with an "aggressive hop profile" from the use of 5 varieties (yes, 5!) of hops (2 are dry hopped by the way).  The Spiral Jetty pours a wonderful, cloudy light amber hue.  The head is a mammoth, thick, frothy, and bright monster with strong retention and lacing.  The nose is very fragrant, floral with a warm, malty character.  There are notes of lemon grass, tart citrus, and spicy hops.  Medium-bodied, the Spiral Jetty has a very pleasant, crisp mouthfeel with an certain resiny oily feel.  The flavor is definitely that of a hop bomber, but it is not an overall assault on the palate.  There are definitely a healthy amount of resinous pine, tart lemon, and bitter hop flavors, but there are also an abundant amount of clover honey and sweet bread notes up front with some mid-range biscuity malt and toffee notes as well.  It finishes very dry and very clean.  A most drinkable IPA!  Check out Epic's Spiral Jetty IPA at!

Skál and good night!!

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