Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9th, 2014 - Red Ale Medicine From Hell

Good evening!  The Meista here with another great pairing for you... tonight I'm rockin' out to Fugazi's "Red Medicine" and sipping a Squatters Radio From Hell "Red As Hell" Ale from the Utah Brewers Cooperative!  Oh, this pairing goes out to friends of the page Antonio Rivera (for requesting a Fugazi pairing) and Jeremy Dering (for offering the great title/pairing)... cheers fellas!!

Recorded at Inner Ear Studios in Arlington, VA and released on June 12th, 1995, "Red Medicine" is the 4th studio album by D.C. post-punk band Fugazi.  Still fast-paced and aggressive, "Red Medicine" is a bit more ambient, more experimental, and complex than its predecessor, "In On The Kill Taker".   With the album, Fugazi explored new sounds, instrumentation, and tuning as well as production.  They also expanded their musical pallet, incorporating noise, psychedelia, jazz, and dub with their style of punk.  The album include four of my all-time favorite Fugazi tracks: "Forensic Scene", "Combination Lock", "Fell, Destroyed", and "Version" along with a plethora of other great, cerebral, and inventive songs.  The album also includes short, sampled segues that help set mood and create interesting dove tails between tracks. 

With a rich and caramel malt nose, the Squatters Radio From Hell "Red As Hell" Ale from the Utah Brewers Cooperative pours a dark amber color with a thick, off-white head that leaves spongy lacing.  There are notes of sweet toffee, biscuit, citrus fruits, and wheat bread in the nose.  Well-carbonated and medium in body, the mouthfeel is astringent and creamy.  Like the nose, the flavor is malty and sweet.  There are notes of soft caramel, roasted malts, orange zest, lemon, and grassy bitter hops.  It goes down easy and finishes clean.  A very good session beer, the Squatters Radio From Hell "Red As Hell" Ale is a great ale to act as a companion to the aggressive complex sounds of Fugazi's "Red Medicine"!


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