Friday, July 11, 2014

July 11th, 2014 - (Not So) Super Unknown Rimando

Good evening!  The Meista here pairing Soundgarden's "Superunknown" with a Rimando's Wit Beer from Unsacred Brewing (which is actually Epic Brewing Company)!  So I jokingly put together this pairing because I had no idea who Rimando was when I bought the beer.  (Get it?  "Superunknown"!)  Apparently he is a pretty popular soccer player here in Utah on the Salt Lake Real.  DOH!  I don't follow soccer.  :)  Anyway, this pairing goes out to my brother Dain... cheers bro!!

"Superunknown" was released on March 8th, 1994 and is the 4th studio album by Seattle hard rock/metal band Soundgarden.  Their "breakthrough" album selling 310,000 copies the first week of release, "Superunknown" is probably my favorite by the band.  The album displays a more diverse sound than earlier Soundgarden albums, which would continue on their next album "Down On The Upside".  They incorporate '70s hard rock, doom metal, metal, and folk.  Songs like "Let Me Drown", "Fell On Black Days", "Black Hole Sun", "Limo Wreck", "Kickstand", "4th Of July", and "Like Suicide" helped make this one of the most impactful, engaging, and just plain kick-ass albums in my collection!  The band and instrumentation on "Superunknown": Matt Cameron (drums, percussion, mellotron (track 4), and pots and pans (track 8)), Chris Cornell (lead vocals and rhythm guitar), Ben Shepherd (bass guitar, drums and percussion (track 6), backing vocals (track 8), and lead vocals and guitar (track 14)), Kim Thayil (lead guitar). 

Rimando's Wit Beer is a surprisingly flavorful 4% ABV brew.  I have to admit that I wasn't expecting much when I stumbled upon this brew in the grocery store, but don't be fooled by the low ABV.  This is most definitely a well-crafted Witbier in the Belgian tradition.  Rimando's Wit Beer pours a bright, golden straw with a hefty white head with good retention and lacing.  The nose is characterized by big lemon zest aroma along with Belgian yeast and soft banana.  The mouthfeel is somewhat sharp, very crisp, very refreshing.  The flavor is characterized by big citrus and spice flavors.  There are notes of lemon, tangerine, clove, nutmeg, Belgian yeast, and wheat bread.  The Rimando's Wit Beer goes down easy and makes for a tasty companion to "Superunknown"!


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