Friday, July 11, 2014

July 11th, 2014 - Redeemer Of Sumpin' Extra!

Evenin' head-bangers and craft ale-guzzlers!  The Meista here pairing the brand-spanking new, kick-ass album "Redeemer Of Souls" (Deluxe Edition) from the Metal Gods themselves, Judas Priest and a Little Sumpin' Extra! Ale from Lagunitas Brewing Company!  Hells yes!!  This one goes out to friend of the blog Dave Jones... cheers mate!!

Released just 4 days ago (July 8th, 2014), "Redeemer Of Souls" is the 17th studio album by legendary English metal band Judas Priest.   The album is the first to highlight new guitarist Richie Faulkner, who replaced K.K. Downing in 2011.  Most definitely capitalizing on their classic Priest sound, "Redeemer Of Souls" is a brilliant,  high-octane, heavy metal ride!  Of the album, guitarist Glenn Tipton stated, "Sometimes in the past we may have come under fire for being too adventurous musically – so we have listened.  From start to finish, 'Redeemer of Souls' is 18 songs of pure classic Priest metal."  Vocalist Rob Halford said this of the album:  "It's heavy. It's something we think our PRIEST fans will be thrilled with. We know we have a reputation to maintain, and we know we have to deliver something really strong and solid. The album is going to be full of all the great things you love about Judas Priest — I don't think I can say anything more than that without being hung, drawn and quartered."  I couldn't agree more... this is most definitely a triumphant return of the Metal Gods!!  I cannot stop listening to this killer album!!  Each song is metal perfection!  Here's the complete track list:
  1. "Dragonaut”
  2. “Redeemer of Souls”
  3. “Halls of Valhalla”
  4. “Sword of Damocles”
  5. “March of the Damned”
  6. “Down in Flames”
  7. “Hell & Back”
  8. “Cold Blooded”
  9. “Metalizer”
  10. “Crossfire”
  11. “Secrets of the Dead”
  12. “Battle Cry”
  13. “Beginning of the End”
Bonus Tracks:
  1. “Snakebite”
  2. “Tears of Blood”
  3. “Creatures”
  4. “Bring It On”
  5. “Never Forget”
I picked up my copy from my buddy Kevin at the Heavy Metal Shop ( and I suggest you do the same, or at least buy local in your neck of the woods!

Let's talk beer!  For "Redeemer Of Souls", I needed to go with something big, complex, punchy, and sexy... thus, the Little Sumpin' Extra! Ale!  An Imperial IPA, this tasty little number comes in at 8.5% ABV with 64 IBUs.  It pours a fairly clear clover honey-gold with a 1-finger white head that displays good retention and billowing lacing.  Very hop forward, the nose is characterized by strong floral and herbal aromas and more subtle fruit notes.  There are aromas of rose tip soap, onion, black tea, and cannabis along with a little mango and lemon zest.  Medium bodied and moderately carbonated, the mouthfeel is sharp on the tongue and oily.  The flavor is a wonderfully complex and intense showcase of hop and malt flavors.  There are some big tropical fruit flavors (mango, peach, pineapple, grapefruit) along with sweet malt flavors (caramel).  The bigger ABV is well hidden by the bitter hops.  It finishes with a nice bitter bite... just like Halford's scream!!

Raise those horns and glasses my metal brethren!!!  Cheers!!!

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