Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 5th, 2014 - Ready To Fly With The Futuristic Dragon!

1983 Version Album Cover
1976 Original Album Cover by George Underwood

Evenin' my pretties!  The Meista here pairing a Ready To Fly Amber Ale from Shades Of Pale Brewing Company and "Futuristic Dragon" by T. Rex!

Released January 30th, 1976, "Futuristic Dragon" is the 11th studio album by English glam rock titans T. Rex led by Marc Bolan... and a favorite of mine of the genre.   (Unfortunately, my vinyl edition is the 1983 re-issue version as opposed to the very cool 1976 original cover.)  Incorporating influence from glam rock, dance music, Motown R&B, Phil Spector's "wall of sound", punk, classical, and rock and roll, "Futuristic Dragon" is a fast-paced, musical roller coaster ride!   Songs like "Jupiter Liar", "Chrome Sitar", "All Alone", "New York City", "Calling All Destroyers", "Sensation Boulevard", "Casual Agent", "London Boys", and "Laser Love" combine all the wonderful elements that made T. Rex great!  Personnel on the album included Marc Bolan (vocals, guitars, moog), Marc's wife Gloria Jones (backing vocals, clavinet), Steve Currie (bass guitar), Davy Lutton (drums), and Jimmy Haskell (string instruments). 

The Ready To Fly Amber Ale from Shades Of Pale Brewing pours a deep reddish copper with a big, frothy 2-finger head that displays strong retention and intricate lacing.  The nose is malty and nutty.  There are aromas of sweet malts, caramel, buttery toffee, yeast, and hazel nut.  Brewed with Caramel malts and Warrior hops, the taste is sweet, malty, and somewhat hoppy.  There are flavors of burnt toffee, multi-grain bread, nuts, herbs, and grassy hops.  Medium bodied, the mouthfeel is somewhat chewy with a slightly dry and bitter finish.

Cheers... rock on!!

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