Here's a special treat for you tonight my friends... this is my interview with bad-ass bassist Bonnie Buitrago from Nashville Pussy!! Hell yeah!!
How did you originally get started in music? And how to you come to start playing with Nashville Pussy?
I grew up playing music most of my life. I wrote a fan letter to Nashville Pussy when I was 16. Only their 7” vinyl were out at the time. By the time “Let Them Eat Pussy” came out, Ruyter and I were already pen-pals – actual pen n’ paper! She’d send me letters and postcards from the road, and would sneak me into the bars I wasn’t of age to be in. My audition for the band was after Tracy ‘s departure, about 14 years ago. I had the time of my life jamming with the band. I mean, who gets to play with one of their favorite bands? I was still a bit too young to handle the gig, and wasn’t picked, despite having nailed the songs. I spent all my energy forging my own path after that, touring and recording as much as I could. A decade later, the band hit me up to join them on tour in Europe. It was great to get jam with them again. They are family to me, but of course when I think back to myself as a kid going to their shows, it’s a bit surreal. Never in my wildest dreams could I had imagined I would wind up on a tour bus opening for ZZ Top, or that I was gonna be on the next Nashville Pussy album.
What musicians have influenced you the most?
I’m all over the place – Deep Purple to Agent Orange. Lemmy. Larry Taylor. Jack Bruce. The Cramps and Nashville Pussy warped me for life when I saw them live. Chaotic, sweaty, screaming, feedbackin’ -just epic shows. Black Sabbath, hands down!
What musicians/bands are currently on your radar? Who do you listen to on your downtime?
I’m pretty bad about listening to any current bands or having a radar out for them! I love mostly older music. I’m happy if we wind up on tour with a band that kicks ass. Last tour we did was with Valient Thorr, and I love them. Perfect assault of metal meets punk. The last “new” album I was really into was Fu Manchu’s Gigantoid. Killer record.
What is your favorite Nashville Pussy song to perform and why?
I’m diggin’ playing all our new songs off of Up The Dosage. It’s different when you get to play the songs you actually recorded. But of course, I love to play “Go Motherfucker Go,” cause its fun to scream “motherfucker” and it’s a classic.
Can we expect another Nashville Pussy album in the near future? If so, what can you tell us about the writing, recording, and production of said album?
We’ll be releasing a compilation album from the band’s decade on label SPV, called “Ten Years of Pussy.” It’ll have tracks from "Get Some", "From Hell to Texas", "Up The Dosage", and more. We just finished up the packaging for it, and I think the fans will dig all the extras inside.
Are there any other side projects you are working on currently?
Ruyter and I recently went into the studio to cut some vocals for a Black Oak Arkansas tribute album. Ruy played a kick ass lead guitar track too. There’s someone very awesome n’ legendary singing the lead part, but I don’t think we’re supposed to announce it yet. We’re pretty excited.
If Nashville Pussy could tour with any band, what band would you like to tour with…current or from the past?
AC/DC! Bon Scott AC/DC, Brian Johnson AC/DC, and of course, since we get to choose here, Malcolm AC/DC!
Where can my readers catch one of your shows? What upcoming shows does the band have for 2015? Any plans to tour South America, Asia, and or Europe in the near future?
We’ll soon be back to touring all over the place. I hear we are going back to South America this year, which I am so excited about. Next tour will be in May for the “Ten Years of Pussy” release and will kick off in Europe.
Brews and Tunes pair craft beer with hard rock, progressive rock, and metal. So Bonnie Buitrago comes home from a show…what beer does she grab and what album does she spin to help decompress?
I’m going to shamelessly plug that Nashville Pussy has their own Bordeaux wine, and it’s top notch. Depends on what kind of decompressing I need I guess- could be Slayer, could be some Creedence! But lately I've been revisitin’ Pentagram’s “First Daze Here” to wind down.
Keep an eye out for Nashville Pussy's new album “Ten Years of Pussy” and make sure you catch one of their shows this year!!
Cheers and hails to Bonnie!!
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