Saturday, January 5, 2019

January 5th, 2019 - Intercourse, Lust, And Black Ale

Hello there evil-doers!  The Meista here today going intercontinental with a pairing of a Escorpion Negro (Black Ale), a German-style Schwarzbier from Mexican brewery, Baja Brewing Company and "Intercourse And Lust" by Japanese black metal band Abigail!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Abigail
  • Title: "Intercourse And Lust"
  • Recorded: September 1996 at On Air Studios
  • Release date: Original released in 1996; vinyl re-release in 2013 (1st full-length studio album by Abigail)
  • Record company: Modern Invasion Music / Nuclear War Now! Productions
  • Production: Abigail
  • Album cover art: Hokusai's "The Dream Of The Fisherman's Wife"
  • Personnel: Yasunori (guitars), Yasuyuki Suzuki (bass and vocals), and Youhei (drums)   
  • Musical style: Black metal, thrash metal, blackened thrash
  • Sound: In the vein of Venom and Bathory, "Intercourse And Lust" is raw, not technical or pretty, fast, and very aggressive with brutal, screeching vocals!  The album embraces black metal full on with only minor thrash elements... definitely not for the faint of heart!
  • Major themes: Witchcraft, the occult, evil, darkness, power, violence, sex, hell, crime, etc.
  • Tracks:   
  1. "A Witch Name Aspilcuetta"
  2. "Confound Eternal"
  3. "The Crown Bearer"
  4. "Attack With Spell"
  5. "Strength Of Other World"
  6. "The Bonehunter"
  7. "Mephistopheles"
  8. "Intercourse & Lust"
  9. "Hail Yakuza"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Baja Brewing Company (Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Escorpion Negro (Black Ale)
  • Style: German Schwarzbier
  • Serving: 12 ounce can
  • ABV: 5.5% 
  • Pour: The Escorpion Negro pours an opaque deep brown (almost black) hue with foamy 1+ finger mocha head with good retention and soapy lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is malty, roasty, and toasty.  There are aromas of carafe-roasted malts, hints of medium roasted coffee, dark chocolate, hearty toasted bread, oats, and soft caramel.
  • Taste: The taste of the Escorpion Negro is characterized by sweet, malty, bready flavors and very little bitterness.  There are notes of roasted malts, light coffee, light chocolate, toffee, and a hint of butterscotch.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel of the Escorpion Negro is very smooth, sweet, and mild with a clean finish.

Overall pairing: The Baja Brewing Escorpion Negro is very crushable Schwarzbier with lots of dark roasty, malty flavor, which seems like a good pairing for the fun insanity that is Abigail's "Intercourse And Lust"!

Cheers!!  Hails!!

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