Monday, October 28, 2019

October 28th, 2019 - A Snow-Wiesn Blizzard Of Ozz

Hello and hails craft brew and heavy metal fans!  Your drinking buddy the Meista here today pairing an all-time favorite album of mine, Ozzy Osbourne's classic "Blizzard Of Ozz" and a Snow-Wiesn Hefeweizen from Roosters Brewing Company! 

Album Info:
  • Artist: Ozzy Osbourne
  • Title: "Blizzard Of Ozz"
  • Recorded: March 22nd through April 19th, 1980 at Ridge Farm Studios in Rusper, England
  • Release date: September 20th, 1980 (debut solo album by Ozzy)
  • Record company: Jet
  • Production: Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads, Bob Daisley, and Lee Kerslake
  • Album cover art: Fin Costello
  • Personnel: Ozzy Osbourne (lead and harmony vocals) with Don Airey (keyboards), Bob Daisley (bass, backing vocals, and gongs), Lee Kerslake (drums, percussion, tubular bells, and timpani), and Randy Rhoads (guitars)
  • Musical style: Heavy metal, hard rock
  • Sound: Wow... where does one even start?!  The richness, depth, and warmth on this album coupled by the sheer rockin' heaviness is indescribable!  This is definitive Ozzy!
  • Major themes/lyrical content: States of being, insanity, loss, suicide, alcoholism, evil, pornography, conservation, rock and roll, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "I Don't Know"
  2. "Crazy Train"
  3. "Goodbye to Romance"
  4. "Dee"
  5. "Suicide Solution"
  6. "Mr. Crowley"
  7. "No Bone Movies"
  8. "Revelation (Mother Earth)"
  9. "Steal Away (The Night)"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Roosters Brewing Company (Ogden, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Snow-Wiesn Hefeweizen
  • Style: German Hefeweizen
  • Serving: 32 ounce crowler can
  • ABV: 4.0%
  • Pour: The Snow-Wiesn pours a hazy, pale straw-yellow with a frothy, bright white 1+ finger head with great retention and sticky, soapy, layered lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is characterized by yeasty, fruity, spicy, grainy aromas.  There are notes of freshly baked wheat bread, banana bread, German yeast, light apple, light wild grass, corn, and some sulphur.
  • Taste: Like the nose, the flavor of the Snow-Wiesn Hefeweizen is a lovely blend of sweet grains, fruit, German yeast, and light hops and spices.  There's lots of banana, cereal grain, cracked wheat, light apple, and light grassy hops.
  • Mouthfeel: Light-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel of the Snow-Wiesn is crisp, lightly spicy, and very smooth, with a clean, slightly dry finish.

Overall pairing: The crisp, easy drinking flavors of the Snow-Wiesn Hefeweizen from Roosters is perfect for the soaring, brilliant texture of the late, great Rhodes' guitar work, while the fruity sweetness makes for a great foil to Ozzy's crazy vocals and the grainy and hoppy elements are perfect for the overall rockin' punch!

Prost and hails!!

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