Friday, November 8, 2019

November 8th, 2019 - The Death Based Illusions Of Or Xata

Buenos tardes!  The Meista is here today rocking the hell out with a pairing of the brand new 4-track "Death Based Illusions" EP by Mexican thrashers Strike Master and an Or Xata from The Bruery! 

Album Info:
  • Artist: Strike Master
  • Title: "Death Based Illusions" EP
  • Recorded: 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico
  • Release date: Scheduled for November 17th, 2019 (2nd EP released by Strike Master)
  • Record company: Concreto Records
  • Production: Manuel Vazquez Terry
  • Album cover art: Amarock HD
  • Personnel: Corp. Ricardo Huerta (drums), Col. Francisco Kmu (guitars and vocals), and Patch (bass)
  • Musical style: Thrash metal with elements of progressive metal
  • Sound: Fast, fiery, aggressive, yet also very complex and somewhat progressive, Strike Master's sound on their new EP "Death "Based Illusions" is a powerhouse of thrash metal and musical integrity!  They blend old school California thrash with a more modern and pervasive vibe.  Really cool stuff!  Kmu's ripping guitars and angry vocals blend perfectly with the juggernaut rhythm section of Huerta and Patch
  • Major themes: Violence, war, death, darkness, destruction, ritual, power, etc.
  • Tracks:   
  1. "Strong As Hell"
  2. "A Corpseless Soul"
  3. "There's Never Enough Knives"
  4. "Cosmic Owl Ritual"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: The Bruery (Placentia, California)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Or Xata
  • Style: American Blonde Ale / Spiced Ale
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 7.1%
  • Ingredients: Blonde ale brewed with rice, cinnamon, and fresh vanilla beans along with lactose
  • Pour: The Or Xata pours a slightly hazy, golden yellow hue with a firm, creamy bright white 2+ finger head with great retention and lots of intricate lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is sweet, lightly ruity, spicy, creamy, and grainy.  It smells exactly like a traditional horchata (with a little bit of hops).  There are aromas of vanilla bean, cinnamon, fresh cream, light cereal grain, hints of apple, toffee/caramel, and very light grassy hops.
  • Taste: The taste of the Or Xata follows the nose with a nice blend of hoppy, sweet, spicy, and creamy flavors.  There are notes of traditional horchata (vanialla, cinnamon, rice) along with the characteristics of a blonde ale (well balanced soft grassy hops and mellow and slightly sweet malts).
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is creamy and smooth, yet also crisp with a spicy, dry, slighthly sweet finish.

Overall pairing: The Or Xata from The Bruery is a very smooth and drinkable brew, yet also complex and makes for a nice foil to the aggressive power that is Strike Master!  'Nuff said!
Salud!!  Hails!!

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