Friday, June 4, 2021

June 4th, 2021 - "This Is Just My Life On A Weird Repeat Like Night Court In The Middle Of The Afternoon": An Interview With Ross Sewage Of Exhumed & Impaled!


Hello and hails metal maniacs!  Your heavy metal drinking buddy the Meista here with another entertaining and edifying interview for you!  Earlier this week, I had the great pleasure of speaking with the very friendly, very funny, and very talented Ross Sewage, bassist/vocalist of legendary goregrind/death metal bands Exhumed and Impaled!  We talked about his bands as well as metal in general, along with action figures, craft beer, and food!  Hell yeah!  Here's a link to that video interview in its entirety, unedited and uncut:!


Check out the Doctor Ross Sewage page at: 

Make sure to check out Exhumed at:
Check out Impaled at: 
And check out Ghoul at: 

Cheers and Hails!!   \m/  \m/

* Photo of Ross Sewage by Michael I. Carroll (@lt_marion_cobretti)
**Special thanks to John Thomas for setting up this interview, Jerry Howard for creating the Brews and Tunes intro video and to DiseNgaged for the use of their song "The Real Me" (copyright 2020)

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