Friday, August 13, 2021

August 13th, 2021 - Johnny Utah Is Dealing With It!


Hello and happy Friday craft brew lovers, punks, and thrashers!  The Meista here today pairing a crisp and delicious Johnny Utah Pale Ale from Georgetown Brewing Company and "Dealing With It!", the kick-ass sophomore album by Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (D.R.I.)!  Hell yeah!  This pairing goes out to my thrashing beer brother Jerry!  Love ya man!! 

Album Info:
  • Artist: D.R.I.
  • Title: "Dealing With It!"
  • Recorded: 1985 at Rampart Studios in Houston, Texas 
  • Release date: March 1985 (2nd full-length studio album by D.R.I.)
  • Record company: Death Records 
  • Production: Spike Cassidy 
  • Album cover art: Kevin Bakos 
  • Personnel: Kurt Brecht (vocals), Spike Cassidy (guitars and bass), Felix Griffin (drums), and Mike Offender (bass) 
  • Musical style: Hardcore punk with elements of what would become thrash metal/crossover
  • Sound: Fast and fiery with lots of humor and deadly serious intensity, "Dealing With It!" was a game-changer!  Although the vocals are great and the guitars completely rip, I think in many ways Griffin's drumming is the really driving force of this album, but great stuff all around! 
  • Major themes and subjects: rebellion, laziness, society, politics, anti-government, anti-war, freedom, daily life, abuse, suicide, coming to your wit's end, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Snap"
  2. "I'd Rather Be Sleeping"
  3. "Marriage"
  4. "Yes Ma'am"
  5. "Soup Kitchen"
  6. "Mad Man"
  7. "Stupid, Stupid War"
  8. "Counter Attack"
  9. "Couch Slouch"
  10. "God Is Broke"
  11. "Karma"
  12. "Nursing Home Blues"
  13. "I Don't Need Society"
  14. "Give My Taxes Back"
  15. "The Explorer"
  16. "Reaganomics"
  17. "How To Act"
  18. "Shame"
  19. "Argument Then War"
  20. "Evil Minds"
  21. "Slit My Wrists"
  22. "Busted Again"
  23. "Equal People"
  24. "On My Way Home"
  25. "Bail Out"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Georgetown Brewing Company (Seattle, Washington)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Johnny Utah Pale Ale 
  • Style: American Pale Ale (APA)
  • Serving: 12 ounce can
  • ABV: 5.6%
  • Ingredients: Citra hops with 2 Row Pale and Munich 10L malts, and English Ale yeast 
  • Pour: The Johnny Utah Pale Ale pours a hazy golden-yellow with a frothy, 1+ finger, eggshell white head with great sustain and lots of sticky, intricate lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is citrusy, floral, and earthy.  There are aromas of grapefruit rind, pine resin, cedar, herbal tea, wild flowers, doughy bread, and a hint of caramel.
  • Taste: Well-balanced, the taste of the Johnny Utah follows the nose with lots of piney and citrusy flavors.  There are notes of pink grapefruit juice, orange pith, pine, black tea, grassy hops, and a touch of caramel.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied and moderately carbonated, the mouthfeel is crisp and somewhat bitter with a dry, fairly clean finish.

Overall pairing: The Johnny Utah Pale Ale from Georgetown Brewing is a very crushable, yet bold brew... perfect for the fast-paced aggression and punk intensity of D.R.I.'s classic "Deal With It!" album!  'Nuff said! 


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